
Ruth Negga did a great job of showing that something fundamentally shifted in Tulip after that. I'm sure it will come up later.

They explained that he doesn't have a soul, which I guess is the key bit of into. I've been wondering since the beginning why he's the Saint of Killers and we finally got an answer. I thought it was a nice way to refresh us on his history without just retelling it straight.

God, that was intense. I never would have imagined the words "Alexis Bledel's shattering wordless performance" would ever be written by anyone, much less that I would agree with them, but I'm floored. This show is important. Maybe I'm just riding the gutted impact of this episode, but I think it can change minds.

I believe so, yeah. There's a son between Jake's and Cody's ages who also tries to get in the dad's good graces, so it could've been him, too.

Actually seeing the damage set in and play out on-screen was most disturbing to me. Particularly re: the oldest kid, Jake. He's learned that he can avoid getting picked on by helping his dad abuse the younger kids. It's depressing as hell.

There's a lot of evidence that they knew from the start that this was a shitty thing to do. For example, constantly emphasizing "this is something we decided to do AS A FAMILY." Some Redditors also found evidence of him editing the sound of the video where the daughter gets slapped, adding some dialogue like "don't

I thought Let's Plays were really stupid at first, too, but I got seriously into them for a while. If you find one with an interesting game + an entertaining player, it's a weirdly great time.

C'mon, tell us some of the infuriating stories. With names.

Yeahhh, the terrible, cliched writing (especially the dialogue *cringe*) is far more offensive than its depiction of mental illness.

I would consider everyone fawning over her Life and Death Brigade piece and becoming the editor of the Yale paper triumphs. I don't disagree that the revival ends up siding with Mitchum. Like I said, it was everything before AYitL that continuously rewards Rory. Up until the movies, it's really hard to tell whether

Are we supposed to understand what's going on with Teddy? Are they implying that there never was a Wyatt, or that Wyatt recruited Teddy after his mutiny and then had him shoot up other towns? If the Wyatt storyline was recently, intentionally uploaded into Teddy, why would he be remembering it "wrong"? So many

I disagree that the text acknowledges it. The text = the characters, and none of them ever seem to realize how awful she is. Mitchum is the lone person in the show who ever voices that she doesn't have what it takes to be a journalist and he's painted as an evil man who just hates Rory because she's not rich enough

I was expecting Lorelei to lay into Rory when she found out about Logan. Instead it was just "Didi is Logan? Huh, okay." In my head Lorelei has been yelling at her about her relationship choices for years and by this point has just given up. "I don't let it anger me anymore. I choose to find it amusing."

I loved Jess with her because he was the only main character who ever questioned her and didn't treat her like she had all the answers. He and Mitch Huntsberger were the only people to ever point out that she clearly doesn't have what it takes to be a foreign correspondent.

The LDB is like the ultimate, unbelievable Mary-Sue element of Rory's very Mary-Sue character. They're a group of good-looking, rich boys who, for no real reason, come swooping in to save her when the world is being mean. It's like something I would fantasize about when I was 8. (When I'm able to let go of my hatred

It's funny because Emily is always accusing Lorelai of things that are way more characteristic of Rory. "You never think about about what anyone except Lorelai wants!" Uh, I think you're thinking of Lorelei Jr., Emily.

But it took a decades-late finale for the show to finally stop rewarding her behavior by handing her everything she wants. And I can't think of anyone besides Rory who ever acknowledges that she sucks (and even when she acknowledges she sucks it's in some tirade where someone assures her that she's amazing and

It has always eaten at me whether Rory is a well-written flawed character or a terribly written character we were supposed to like. Everyone who knows her (especially the Stars Hollow characters) treats her like she's the town sweetheart and almost all the female side-characters Rory's age are either bimbos (even

It's creepy to think Logan doesn't have some affection for her considering he's sleeping with her.

Rory was always a shit person who treated people like trash. Just, for some reason the characters all acted like she was a sweet darling because she made good grades. I can't remember a time she ever did anything not self-serving.