
Actually, her demented cartoon infant face is the one thing I can't get past about her, moreso than the tongue-wagging or twerking or general tryhard desperation to seem shocking/weird/naughty.

Pretty sure Dawson's Creek is set in Massachusetts.

Which is exactly what the "best friend's ride" line is about.

So basically The Host? Ehh. If we're going to do a big-budget YA series about aliens, let's make it The Animorphs.

Woohoo, weird Electra-complex movies where dads get into masculine competition with their daughter's mate due to barely repressed senses of sexual ownership over them! Watch it with Father of the Bride and In Good Company and Meet the Parents!

If I can get through that rape scene at the end of Bastard Out of Carolina, they can get through this.

They're nice shots, but terribly generic. It feels like watching one of those commercials for HBO or Starz with a stirring orchestral score.

The fact that this is badly photoshopped but not thematically different version of the real poster is weirding me out.

I think they have to put the Amazon and iTunes plugs in.

Yes, wtf? Do explain.

Baby Bear.

I'm guessing the writer never played F:NV as a guy? It's my understanding that you can romance Arcade.

Fire in the Sky is the one that got me too. I was terrified of aliens for years after that. The 90s Night of the Living Dead remake really fucked me up too.

This will always be one of my favorite horror movies and Wes Craven's masterpiece, to me. It's so bizarre and gleeful and wonderfully imaginative. I used to rent it from a gas station/bait shop in Alabama whenever I visited my grandmother and watch it as many times as possible. The ending with the house burning and

The struggle of a down-on-his-luck chap avoiding being seen as gay… now THAT'S a pict-chah! Doris, get me MGM on the phone, we're gonna make this kid a star!

See, to me she just comes off as a petulant brat. If you find the junket so exhausting and dehumanizing, answer their questions in an interesting way. I don't know why people are acting like sulking like a 13-year-old in detention is somehow subversive.

I must say that I judge Annie for this.

Even when I agree with him, I just want to puke all over him. So fucking obnoxious.

People already read way too much into HP than I think JK Rowling could ever be given credit for. People who analyze things like the psychological motivations of the Dursleys' mistreatment of Harry—when it's clearly a very simplistic, sympathy-for-the-hero short-cut—are legion. God help us if critics start treating the

Hounds of Love seems to be the album that makes Kate Bush legendary, for most people, but I prefer The Dreaming.