
I went to film school and made even worse student films, so if there’s someone here with a PhD in shitty movie making, it’s me.

Nah, it sucked. Robert Rodriguez directed this via Zoom call and it shows.


But they all constantly made dumb decisions that made no sense

It was really not great

You enjoyed this show?

makes perfect sense to me

Yeah it’s a tricky wire to walk between inclusivity and sensibility. Although I can see a Hip Hop honors org doing similar crossovers for influencers/etc outside of hip hop. I mean why not.

Yes, plot similarities are basically easter eggs at this point. “Oh , lookie, it’s something that ACTUALLY HAPPENED in the books! Must be a ‘wink’ to the readers ;) ;) ;)“

OK, that makes more sense. My point does fall flat in the context of adaptations. My only other thought was that Ethan seemed the more writer-ly of the two, and Joel the more director-ly, so maybe it is easier for Joel that it would be for Ethan to stick to another’s text. I appreciate the reply, though, thank you! 

Why won’t Pluto just f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fade away?

Yet considering his repeatedly demonstrated love of inventive verbosity” runs contrary to the Coen’s slavish commitment to their own text. They don’t do improv. Every actor says “we deliver the lines as they are written” when working on a Coen movie. So I’m not sure what we’re saying here, if anything, Joel’s

I had two laptops with that crazy pop out moouse and you know what? It was FANTASTIC. It even could “teepee” itself upwards a tad to fit your hand better. Adapting to its smaller range took abotu a half second, and before you knew it, your brain was fooled into thinking you were using a regular mouse.

I think it’s some sort of awful old man fad. I saw a pic of Stevie Wonder with the same style. At least he has an excuse?

Doubt it. Seems more likely these victims just buried this awful memory and were triggered by al the press. Noth hasnt been in the news like this in forever. Now they see his name everywhere and they are like “oh wait, the culture is much more open to believing victims than back when i was raped”. They thus have the

I love this, please, keep going, everyone.

I read “accessibility” in terms of special needs/WCAG 2.0 compliance, not in terms of varying talent pool of gamers. Adaptations and accommodating players from that angle I’ve always found fascinating. How do you keep a game intentionally frustrating, but in a way that treats players fairly?

It’s an interesting tactic to take the very thing that would trigger/provoke someone to surface claims, and cite that very thing as a reason to be suspicious.

Exactly. It was one-note, with a character “arc” (more like a flat line) that you could see coming miles away. Daddario was great and so was whomever played the kids, all three of them were pitch perfect.

Selena Gomez? She felt like she was in a different show half the time.