
I mean I agree? But Jennifer Coolidge has been playing this part for most of her career. It’s not even the best example. I don’t see how it “stands out”.

“And now you, Travis, what do you want for softball interview christmas?”

This comment fills that gap for me, Thanks!! ALthough I’d add that his interest in making movies like ShopGirl, and his period of self reflection that manifested “Born Standing Up” kind of put his whole career in a bit of a holding pattern, unitl his recent collabs with Martin Short (the “A Night You Will Forget” tour

Because Sam Raimi has such a great track record of juggling multiple villains...

Ol’ high road hanks, at it again.

He’s shitty to his employees, shitty to his family, and generally shitty.

“Not a bad guy”???

He is surprisingly effective in Foundation. The best thing in every scene he’s in. I think this is a case of perfect casting. Totally forgettable in everything else I saw, or melodramatic. In this case, the character suits him. 

MAn, this band was like, the soundtrack to my 20s and early 30s. I admit they were uneven, but... it’s hard to describe what they meant to me. TRacks like Tribulations, Dance Yrself Clean, Losing My Edge, YOu watned a Hit... and “Someone Great” is my pick for best song of the decade 2000-2010. That said, they feel

I worked for Ruden 20-odd years ago. The stuff in that expose this year was identical, like LITERALLY the same stuff that happened to me and my coworkers. He had a playbook, it was consistent. BUT he also scared you into silence. He code-switched in front of the celebrities. The only time he ever complimented me was

Yeah im more confused as i dont get what it’s supposed to mean. LB is rich. It’s not the first of the month. Is this some new metaphor in journalism that im too [redacted] to understand?

Netflix hedged its bets on the “He-Man for millennials” and made one that’s primarily for children.

As someone who works in advertising and engagement, it’s hard to sell that stuff for FREE, much less get people to pay for it. We’d love people to voluntarily opt in for insider updates, etc, but there’s a dearth of compelling content providers are willing to release when they know it will get leaked, and there’s a

My freshman dorm had this goth guy who walked around pretending he was a vampire and occasionally biting things, and once, appropro of nothing, announced to a rec room that the best band in the world was “Cradllle of FIllttth” before slurping off down the hall.

He did buy her way out of an IRS audit, so he’s not completely committed.

For some reason this site’s ad-video player keeps serving me videos BEHIND the trailer. So while I’m watching the Carnage trailer, I’m trying to figure out why a woman’s voice is telling Tom Hardy to drink beer.

While i support letting the best person win, there’s something unsettling of awarding Rodgers this gig: another plumb job on top of what has already been an extraordinarily rewarded and privileged life. I’m not saying he didn’t earn everything, but I look at Jennings and Burton and can’t ignore they went through a lot

He could have been a real Tom Hanks, but I don’t think that’s what he wanted. It’s a shame, since I think his real personality is closer to Chris Knight than Jim Morrison, but his pretensions, self-seriousness, and ego were in control. 

The problem with QD’s movies is that they end up profoundly boring. They lack any effort into suspension of disbelief; the inane logic, the postponement of expectation, the lack of cohesion of a narrative. These elements, when in place, allow movies to move along briskly and hold our attention. Without them, we are

I never imagined a future where I’d hear more Depeche than Springsteen on classic rock radio, but, um 6th grade me would be ecstatic to learn that.