
Even as a child I thought the song was messed up, I don’t know. It just sounds like a dude blocking a woman from exiting his home.

I dunno, even before current events, like 10 years ago, I didn’t know anyone who thought this song was anything but creepy AF. I can even remember my mom asking my dad to skip the track when it played in our house growing up. This song has been fucked up for some time!

I kind of like it

This comment x1000.

“Ven you look at zee stars, you see an all encompassing Force, a Force vat holds you and everyzing together in harmony. But ven I look, I see nothing, nothing but the deadly vacuum of an infinite silence”

So, what, I gotta spend $160 to twist arms off of He Man now?

Call it the Switch XSesX3dMAX

I’ve always found The Animus & theassociated present-day narratives to be really immature and childish. Like if a 13 year old boy came up with the plot and most of the dialogue. More than happy to abandon that device.

You don’t think it had to do with unpacking countless layers of prior negotiations and agreements with publishers, as they had built-in a non-crossplay policy into the foundation of their legal approach well before this became a popular option?

Ever make a stupid comment on a post that gets found 6 years after the fact when a certain topic re-emerges and your comment gets zombified with new replies?

How come my SNES Classic came with an AC adaptor? It came with the USB power cable and plug adaptor for that cable. 

No mention of the pitch perfect placement of the Breeders’ “No Aloha” during that uncomfortable ride home from the office party? For shame!

prefer the donnie darko visual but ... what the fuck is happening with the keyboardist??

I find it pretty hard to believe that any tweet of mr trump is “drafted”.

Also responsible for the best ever cover of a Sabbath song, and therefore best conversation starter:

Youch! I gotta update my pop culture burns!

“work out the logistics of presenting flight sequences with new technology and planes.” is code for “Kilmer’s gotta lose 30 lbs”

Bingo. That’s the Bradd Pitt philosophy right there. For every reaction shot he just tries to solve a math problem in his head

Bowie had been giving crazy interviews since the 60's. He told Melody Maker in like 1973 he was bisexual just for the fuck of it. He was a master a press by 1983, this guy didn’t have a chance in hell escaping alive.

That reply by Bowie was devastating. Just an absolute interviewee masterstroke.