
I was not expecting this thread to be as calm as it was.

On a flight I just watched a guy two rows in front of me watch Benjaman Button, so I got to watch that movie without any sound, just visuals and facial expressions. And you know what?

As wrong as these statements may appear on the surface I kind of liked them.

I love how Apatow goes from self-deprecation to self-congratulatory about the exact same topic in a single tweet.

Isn’t this a normal part of what’s usually called “aging out of your twenties?

I honestly thought the Varga character was the best part of season 3. I hate to say it but it was Ewan McGregor that felt unconvincing (esp the accent), and the show’s wildly veering tone episode to episode.

fargo hired Key and Peele before they were seriously considered for dramatic roles.


Nope, not until now. The only thing that comes to mind is Starship Troopers’ civilian/citizen dichotomy.

“Civilians”! Had no idea the VFX industry was an arm of the US Military.

I was just wondering today - I know women who got tatoos from their boyfriends. Not tattoos of their names, but actual works of art (unrelated to the relationship) from their long term, tattoo-artist boyfriends, like in the form of a huge chest piece.... and not all of those relationships lasted. What must that feel

OR incredibly professional people who aren’t on-board ideologically; end-result being the same.

Is it me or does the music in the first half seem way out of place?

The 2008 BC re-do was awesome and not spoken about neough

This is satire, right?

In that case I’m sorry you had to read it, but I am not sorry for my feelings!

I’m a Doom apologist - I thought the first person POV sequence at the end was thrilling, but shame on the film for not doing more of it. It has not aged well though...

Indulge me - I’m well aware of what musicians Radiohead has referenced, been influenced by, but what bands/musicians put Radiohead as an influence? I would argue that to “change rock music”, the band would have to influence another great, massively respected musician or group. 

Nuh-uh. No way are they better than Jesus Jones. 

Hey man, I’m the same way, I like to get involved. The RH shows I saw had nothing to “Get into” so to speak, they were low on... movement. Hence the standing. They were - to use your analogy - more like symphonies