
Good point! The first time was the best time - and it’s like when you keep buying new records of some band you liked a lot in the 90s when they havent done anything good or interesting since then (except radiohead still makes good records, so i’m thinking of like, NIN or something)

Pot brownies would have helped considerably. 

Agreed! I mean, I was still in my 20's for that 2001 show, and that was the first time I felt “man, I wish I could sit down”, but it was a harbringer for things to come. I think it’s my decision to catch RH at outdoor events that informs my opinion. They just arent a good outdoor act when your knees are old and loud.

I’ve seen Radiohead four times and three of them were the most boring experiences of my concert-going lifetime. APW in 2008-ish, a Liberty Island show just prior to 9/11, and both went on forever and my legs got tired from standing. The best one was Trocadero (Philly) in 1995 or -6. I love me some radiohead, but

Now playing

_Low_ did a much better job in AV Undercover.

As someone in my 40s, I find double- and triple-IPAs a bad bargain. Increasing responsibilities + lower metabolism basically puts a limit on how much alcohol I can consume and remain healthy & productive, so a double IPA is nothing more than “hey! you get to try and savor half as much beer!”

That’s a very good point, although that first section is awesome if you *haven’t* taken a break, and want to see if your skills alone make you more formidable even without equipment.(again, since they did the same thing with the island quest) 

unfortunately, this comment is literally not unique.

I’m trying to think of a more boring game series title than “Just Cause”.

Agree entirely. The story is essentially a good one, with great characters, a great plot, etc. But the author’s angsty preoccupation with Christianity is about as nuanced as a 14 year-old athiest at Thanksgiving dinner.

Man I just started playing this for the first time since release, and literally did Vault 11 just two weeks ago, a vault I missed on my first time through. Really telling that writers are still revisiting FONV nearly a decade after release. Vegas has STORIES hidden in the game, and that is a MUCH more powerful

It’s not a situation the US can really excuse him from, though, either; that somehow escaping justice through self-imposed exile is ever really a solution. The only person extending this conversation beyond its natural end is Polanski himself. The US simply cannot set a precedent by pardoning him, so the victim’s beef

“at least paid homage to some past versions of the character—the defiant silliness of both the ’50s Golden Age comics and the ’60s TV series.”

Someone unpopular shows a shred of humanity and everyone decides to comment like an asshole.

I’ve thought about this wayyy more than I should, but I was thinking that the aesthetic may matter more than the actrual release date of these songs.

Cant reply to your reply (thanks, Kinja!) but this is my “PGDC” playlist if you have any additions or suggestions:

I have to tell you, I have gone back to my old itunes and put together a totally different kind of Peter Gabriel playlist than I would have (if I would have) prior to this show. He’s got great deep cuts.

Honestly this shit shoulda happened midseries, not the second to last ever episode.


Counterpoint: The bizarre, surreal, yet oddly brilliant human-as-bagpipes bit I will Never forget