
Also why pick Palmer’s “Wires” cover over “Johnny & Mary”?

These songs are all way tooo longgggg

When I was running my own band, I listened to my music obsessively. I often thought my main reason for being a musician was to create my own mix tapes.

Dont know a lot of people who rank HN that high, but glad to know someone liked it. I was just in college at the time and everyone I knew was dunking on it. I didn’t think it was anywhere near as great as IC, PB or CYH, but I always thought the negative reaction was too harsh.

I’m convinced he threw that in just to generate more comments.


I found Zero Theorem to be very, very tedious. One of those movies where you try to ignore the go-nowhere plot-lines, ignore the distractingly reductive and wholly unconvincing love interest subplot,, in hopes of an ending that gives sense to it all. But no, he just goes to the Brazil handbook and blows everything

All the stars to you sir. Brazil is my fave film all time, Time Bandits another classic. Monkeys, Fisher King are amazing, hell, I’ll even give Fear & Loathing a pass.

They really should have gone “all-in” on that subtext by giving Kirk Douglas’ liver spot its own billing.

After actually watching Saturn 3, I’m disappointed to report I agree with you.

Well, shit. There goes my argument!

I bet you could supercut this with Sean Connery’s OUTLAND and no one would even notice you made a supercut.

Ah, this decade old argument. I love it! Takes me back to a simpler time. IT also has a pretty simple explanation: Burnout Paradise was played by way more people than the other Burnout games. Most of them, like me, love PAradise so much. I briefly picked up BO2/3, and frankly? Yawn...

Now playing

Interesting that you post that version, since the one I saw repeatedly as a pre-teen (on MTV’s 120 minutes I think) was this one:

It seems that the more exposure he’s suddenly getting, the more he’s consolidating his persona into something very, very specific.

This film is an inconsistent, slapshod mess, that plays like it was written in a series of meetings. Profound, affecting moments are intercut with half-baked ideas that have the depth of a Saturday morning cartoon.

I used to feel the same way, but now that I have a kid, I think storytelling and entertainment talent is far better spent educating our kids than amusing other adults. But that’s really my parent-brain just kicking in and dominating my thought process. I know it’s different for everyone, but I went from a film/tv buff

Funny enough I did some digging and it appears it wasn’t EXACTLY staged. They were metting to do footage for each other’s projects at the same time. Except Garry’s project was his Sanders DVD extras, and he wanted a completely different tone. Ricky shows up completely amped and “on” with his own crew in tow

Do they cover off on Ricky Gervais’ “idol interview” show with Shandling? It was called “Ricky Gervais Meets...” and it’s the most fascinating train wreck, and the fact that it’s hard to tell if it’s real or faked just adds to the mystery.

How did you write this “Dance-punk, nu-wave, art-punk, or whatever you wanted to call it was exploding out of Brooklyn at a rate faster than hipsters in other cities could copy it, and this—”