
Also, the standard Oscar process is to pass over young actors for established-yet-unrewarded actors whenever there’s a close race. DDL and Denzel have won already....

I loved this movie as a kid, when I went through a Steve Martin phase at age 10. Unfortunately, most of his movies were rated R back then, and my parents wouldn’t rent them for me, so I just watched All of Me and Three Amigos repeatedly, while making up in my head what “Man With Two Brains” and “The Jerk” were about.

Especially if said cop was also a recent “victim” of the community, that would work, a _Funny Games_ style “no escape” theme.

Ordinarily I would agree, but that kind of satire - A racist cop, on top of everything else, would have been way too on the nose for me. Redundant, even. The Rod-twist was a bait and switch of the best kind.

Not to be a schill here, but we got an Alexa (Echo) device just before our first was born, and admittedly it was for fun, but now is indispensable.

You know a jingle has gone too far when you catch yourself reading a 3-page newspaper article on the guy who says “today!” at the end of it.

Came here to see Sea Change, satisfied.

Now playing

Nothing quite screams “AVClub is in Chicago!” like a post about a commercial ive never heard of.

I think what we are experiencing is something of a “market correction” in standards for behavior. The headlines may seem extreme now, but I think in time a new, balanced standard will emerge that meets a very simple goal: women will be given closer to equal treatment in professional life. I think that’s all everyone

It’s interesting that those who protested (At least the ones quoted here) did not say he didnt deserve the award, they instead said “not this year”. I find that to be a a remarkable caveat, a incremental shift in tone. Those who want the award pulled this year are very directly implying it could be awarded another

I don’t get the comparison, NMH’s relentless, idiotic sexism was unbearable when it first came out. 2007 wasn’t some sort of dark age. I’m far from politically correct, but this is the ONLY game I ever stopped playing outright because of misogyny. I never knew how annoying sexism could be. It made Duke Nukem look

TO be fair, Spielberg also called the game designer of Atari’s ET a “genius”

Yup. There’s a reason Very Special Episodes in the 80s were just that - one episode. That’s the only way to justify a heavy topic.

Jesus Jones’ (Right Here Right Now) Info Freako or Someone To Blame...

I bought WORRY because I liked the cover art. Never heard of this guy before. It was a smart move.

Final Fantasy Legend for the original gameboy has been my Christmas morning tradition off and on since it came out...

About ten years ago he was asked that, and said, to wit, “I’m not as much of a snob as Alec Guinness”

Hey, I wanted to thank you for this. I have a unique problem and thought mesh was the solution, but your explanation has me worried i got it wrong.

Wow, I’m a liberal and I can barely read Vox, it’s almost too liberal for me. I can’t imagine how you manage it!

Maybe I’m missing something but this seems like a pretty reasonable position?