
That sketch has not aged well

He will teach her kidz how 2 spel

You know that thing in English class, in high school, where they ask you to write a paper or defend a position you disagree with?

They look awfully unhappy. And awful in those uniforms. Who designed these things?

I feel the same about remixes.

Hm, in that case it sounds less a puritanical policy and more a “don’t use the Internet for not work stuff” policy.

It’s not in megaton... Tenpenny tower.

Yes that and other things kind of nag at the back of my mind, but then the same mind is blown when I independently figured out a character was a prostitute by playing a hunch and catching her sleeping with a different man each night if the same week.

So you want the Public to punish them? You trust the public to make personal issues public?

Yuck dude

Ok frankly that was an excellent response. I do work at a very corporate environment, but the policy is case by case, and since it is a creative environment there are justifiable circumstances for viewing certain kinds of content, hence the case based nature of the review process.

If that image gets you fired then fucking leave that fucking company. Move to France. Seriously. Do you work for McPrudish Stuffy Stiff? Jesus. There’s nothing remotely obscene... Ah I give up. Death to us all.

I actually never noticed the meatball “returned”, I just thought its prominence was featured in NASA stories to emphasize the fact that NASAs glory days are behind it. The worm is amazing

Can you get me a new keyboard? This one does t wrk any,ore cus vomit

Scrutinizing a party favor, designed to entertain folks in an era where they were drinking martinis and sleeping w/each other’s wives, against the accuracies of modern science, is pretty amazing indeed. Sleep with Mars lady indeed...

“The longer you keep your agent on the field, the better stuff they’ll find”.

I think it tastes fine later

I kinda agree with you. But they can’t be lenient on him because then other employees would be all “but I got fired and he didn’t!”.

I really hate to be this guy, but there is a lot of very strong evidence that supports the fact that Pharma advertising actually gets to people who don’t listen to their doctors or anything but their TVs. And they do ask more questions as a result of the advertising, in many cases get the help they need. I’m sorry, I

But the movie was a satire of the themes in the book...