
pulled pork and brisket is American BBQ. What I see here is disposal waste.

I entered this post thinking how my copy of Kahneman is basically an elevated shelf on my nightstand at this point. Shocked but not shocked to see it made the bottom 4. It's a book that appears to be making the same point repeatedly, although it may not, who knows. You'd have to read more of it. (I won't)

haha, you guys do not disappoint. Just angry all the time.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be Emily's close friend? while her crazy exboyfriend pulls all this shit about your dead friend?

What she drew is where williamsburg meets Greenpoint, and all the streets take a bizarre 45 degree shift in their axis. Kent is almost a highway in williamsburg, it abruptly turns into Franklin, but then reappears as a quaint residental lane deeper into north greenpoint.

But... ZUMA is a great game for the Razr!!!

a mix of poor translation, unusual/foreign cliches and sentence structure, but foundationally some incoherance from the source in the original dialect.

her views are not so much unconscionable as they uncomprehensible

Blade Runner was my comparison to SM2 - but aside from the flying effects, just the general staging of the action was a bit off, and it's interesting how much of that perfunctory approach ended up in Batman 9 years later. As my friend says, "Batman holds up better as a piece of (almost expressionist) art than it does

All that said, the batmobile was the fucking bomb.

It's amazing they went through so much trouble to make it dark, yet the movie is still ridiculously cheesy. I think the way the production deisngers kind of offhandedly refer to batman's "gizmos", etc. are an indicator of how being involved in the source material didnt have the priority it does today.

I've always found PS store prices wildly incoherent. Motor Storm: Apocolypse, a 2 year old game, for $69.99, average ebay price: $10.

This game was boring and fuck everyone who told me to play it. They owe me six hours of not hating life.

I hope you feel really bad about yourself now

Why are you assuming he meant "released"? It's just what movies were all playing at the same time this weekend.

minority report was 12 years ago? Whoa.

how about a way to keep facebook's app from using its own, shitty, unusable, fucktard of a browser and default to safari when I click links in my feed? (On iOS). I push it to safari every time, all the while increasing my blood pressure and constricting my arteries in rage

you're putting a lot of effort into justifying a blatantly stupid ubisoft decision

I'm glad you told me to stop, I've been ruining my camera with these tips from Canon for some time.