
You know your industry is retarded when it can't handle a gender.

I eventually reverted back to "sent from my iPhone" because of my typos and I hate cleverness

Where can I buy cheap 9 volt batteries in herald square?

the CDC report is indeed sobering. Got me out of at least two DWIs.

I guess what I want to get to is that we should abolish male and female restrooms. They simply do not make sense anymore. Just have restrooms.

Agreed absolutely with not policing. And people have the right to do whatever they want with what they got, period.

ok that is interesting... I never thought of a difference btw gender roles vs identity. Although isn't our understanding of the "other" gender identity comprised of roles we've observed? This whole topic is fascinating to me but I admit its very mysterious-ness has impeded my ability to fully embrace a position, or an

And I would go so far to say that "having a penis makes you a man" is in itself a social construct. Why would I need one to convince myself I am a man? Can't I be whatever I want to be without altering my biology?

if gender is a social construct then why do we insist on surgically adopting gender stereotypes to fit said construct?

ha! "91% of attendees said they should attend"

Neat little NIN nod at the end

I distinctly recall an ad for a Logitech rotating monitor from late 80s, early 90s, but can't find it anywhere...

this looks exactly like "left behind" from The Last of Us

imagine if he sucked every ounce of humanity from this with software?

Sweet link to those SF covers. Are there links to high res versions of the cover art? Can't tell, trying hard!

one day, as death draws near, you will look back on your life, and ponder, where did the days go?

sure used a lot of words to say "that kid is dumb"

What's weird to me about colorization for realism is that it's essentially impossible, as color photos still aren't "real" per se. These seem to be colorized in the style of specific camera/film color captures, some typical to the time period even, as opposed to the color spec of a modern digital camera. Also, there

no diff'rent strokes? Alan thicke is a genius.

She has a point despite your concern over her profanity. Contributing is more effective than complaining. And being effective is always preferable. I honestly think this is a good opportunity to get the ball rolling a post your thoughts on the elections.