
if he had used his United GlobalFirst FistFurst ClubGlobal card he could bypass the LoungeClass FirstClub direct to the RebelAlliance StarClub DestroyerClass Diners Club.

sigh. Do I have to endure this joke for another ten fucking years?

he'll yes

Am I mistaken or did I see the character trip?


considering even his traditional medium work often repurposed existing art and photographs...

"computer club dance" sounds like a Magic the Gathering party with a high school DJ.

Everybody's back? Even Brittany Murphy?

One basic fault of capitalism is that all commercial enterprises must grow. Investors, board members, owners looking to sell, it's always about growth. If growth is prioritized above sustainability, this happens, every time.

My god it works

My god it works

I'm 36. This song still qualifies as new to me.

Do them all on ebay, and I've outperformed the sell prices on the same titles I see here.

MMMMMmmmno he didn't.

"Yet at the same time, the commercials never play up the nationality or race of Dante Carver, who plays Brother"

Only an advertising agency would respond to a digital phenomenon by printing things out.

I'm only coming to realize this myself, but participating in sex acts on camera appears to no longer be trashing lives, as social mores evolve, perceptions of exploitation shifts, and haters gonna hate.

I think you meant "typo".

Ppl who complain about unwanted attention on twitter are kind of annoying. And I'm not talking about Stoya, she has a point.

Oh I wasn't disagreeing with you, I was actually agreeing and musing on the fact that seinfelds technofrustration could be timeless... No worries!