
I'm really getting tired of reading unexpected spoilers for a game I'm still playing , especially when the joke isn't remotely clever, just obvious

The Bible. Everyone would wear pants.

I think Seinfeld would have even more tech plot options today

SO what would you call a grossly inaccurate headline that drives you to an only tenuously related story? I would call it a lie, and I think clickbait (as in bait and switch) is a decent way to articulate the kind of lie that it is.

Bravo obvious man! Bravo! Another triumph!

Seriously the most bad ass thing I've read all day.

If there was only conscious unbarfing

Dude if someone wants to break up the plasticine monotony of a crappy morning show hosted by Barbie dolls by shouting PORN, I'm in the odd position of welcoming the intrusion.

It's a fair point, but I've seen far more degrading content on this site, mostly in the comments. These caricatures don't seem to be sexualizing

I think it's more reasonable to interpret that the 36% don't care, are too lazy to review the evidence, or frankly isn't something they've bothered to pay attention too. Which is a different sort of issue.

It really is too bad he's become such a dick - no pun int'd - I remember seeing his work circa 2000 in Vice, a series he did about rehab and himself, and it was great stuff. Before he discovered and fixated on the aesthetic that made him famous/a factory, his pics looked like nothing else out there. Photos in mags

But to argue against my own point, underestimating an audience's intelligence is a tried and true hollywood axiom that gets tiring.

Arent these movies supposed to be over the top unrealistic male fantasies? Or is there a deep, untapped, unquenched thirst for a gritty, real-world portrayal of male dominated disorganized street racing that has enough plot to carry it for 90 minutes that I'm unaware of? I just assumed it was a motion picture manifest

True. Also, NYC doesn't have the "we can't touch it because it might be Roman ruins" excuse.

How have older cities dealt with this issue? (London, Paris, almost every metropolis outside of the US)

The way it ends I'm
Confused did three people get
Rescued from the car
Or were four people rescued?

It's confusing! I'm here to help.

The guy who wrote the story a while back was the one who revealed the video. He himself resurrected the story last year, after this site fawned over Black Panties. Jezebel since reversed the tone of their R. Kelly coverage.

Google it. It was a big story last year. Multiple filed cases that never went to trial.

If it is real, I'd wager the sexism is more a byproduct of the crazy, and not the central cause here