
Yeah but I still think it's worse that we accept that there are guys preying on these kind of women, lurking in these areas. Like we assume they are like the soil and the rain. They aren't. They are men who are engaged is sociopathic unethical behavior, if not crime

I both empathize with your point and disagree. I used to have that problem with a lot of online RTS games and similar things, having to commit to every stupid mistake, but then I played Minecraft, survival mode. It was that experience that committed me to the idea of living with every mistake you make. Survival was

That guy is such an asshole - but almost dysfunctionally so. I mean he appears completely un-self-aware, even reacts negatively to any suggestion of introspection. In the meantime he has only antipathy for his family, ignores his successful business associate son, and treats life as some big game to amass shit. He is

Yeah, I don't buy that.

MAN, MOST OF THESE ARE SO UGLY. oops sorry caps lock.

The widespreadedness is a good counterpoint. Owners of dogs enacting cosmetic surgery on their pets is a different question altogether. My parents pinned back my ears when I was three. Sure, I'm happy for it, and a dog wouldn't care either way, but there's one point in this comparison that I think is valid: I don't

Oh yeah, that's a good point. I didn't even think about that- I guess I was preoccupied with the comment and forgot the context...

Well, it's not really as brutal as it sounds. Firstly, it started back when the notion of animal cruelty is much different than it was today. And it was seen at the time as not only a way to improve the appearance of a dog, but the quality of life for the dog as well.

Thank you, when I saw all the replies, I was honestly a little terrified. I really appreciate the support.

I suppose so, but I was unaware of the arguments against the facts..

Is this supposed to be an echo chamber?

Agreed, but I was honestly interested in knowing the facts. In case I had to argue with someone stupid!

I am not! Not everything has to be a term paper, I just though it odd that making fun of someone with baseless statements was best refuted with more baseless statements. It's unproductive. No matter how stupid to you, you should treat it seriously. That's how I think, unless they are just trolling, fair enough.

Although I think she posts a lot of inflammatory stuff, I'm still happy she calls attention to it. The topics she covers, bravely, are topics that need discussion. She puts herself out there and she does it for a living. That's bravery.

I'm probably too preoccupied with how the subject - and the political party of the subject - would spin this, and didn't give enough credit to a perspective like yours.

Agreed, see my above reply, the link is definitely valid, and I think so more because of comments like yours that I did when I read the article originally.

I do agree, completely, with your statement. There is definitely a link. My issue with the post more stemmed from a random figure making an ignorant statement that could have been shot down with a couple facts, and the hypocrisy of deriding off the cuff statements by making similar off the cuff statements...but I

I read this site a lot, and love most of the content and a fair share of the comments too, but this article is a poor example of why.


Yet you conveniently respond to none of it, therefore you haven't converted anyone, and you've come off as a troll. Please try harder to contribute, we'd love to hear your reasoning, reasoning your comment is entirely devoid of.