
I really doubt it's population based, it's not like the studios' POSER app auto-generates based on racial percentages. "There's a 12% probability Drake will be back in this game, WE JUST HAVE NO CONTROL, IT'S STATISTICS!" Pretty funny if that were true. But it isn't. 12% of video games do not have black main

They've done this every Friday for months, welcome to the site. I look forward to your next comment "why do you guys keep talking about Apple? Blaaaarrrrghhhh!"

Barf. This guy should be exiled.

I agree, I was just having some fun with some of the less successful examples. But you're right.

Oh, agreed, totally. I actually give kudos for the ads getting it at least half right. It's jsut that, as someone who works in advertising, I'm familiar with creatives trying to imagine future states, and they almost invariably pair something truly prescient with something that is obsolete by then-contemporary

MMMMM Except for the "ever get a FAX... at the BEACH?"

I was 16 and I was using Prodigy and dialling local BBSses. I didn't download my first webpage, using Navigator, until a year later. My knowledge at that time was hazy at best, mostly bwecuase I was saddled with 2400 baud modem until 1996.

So we finally found something that Paris Hilton is good at? I mean, besides the obvious.. 

I think if the writer hadn't framed this story as an accomplishment-against-stereotype we wouldn't have noticed.. We would have just thought it was an amazing shot. But when you have "throw like a girl" ringing in your head all you can notice was the shot fell short.

Yes, but they look terrible, and no matter how angry or arrogant you get, that still matters to a lot of people.

"Before I got saved I always thought Christians were soft especially Christian athletes."

Well, we can safely assume he does not have a tapeworm.

I hate myself.

Actually kind of shrill on "academy"' JUST LIKE MY WIFE, amirite, guys? Haaa

No really this is technically and comically ideal, yup

Holy crap this is funny, and I'm the douchy dude who's ever d- ah, forget it.

Oh boy, Trap music again.

Appearance, mostly.


I just don't think getting a giant expensive tattoo is the best idea for someone with money issues. Does she have money issues? Shit, I just stereotyped again.