
To those of you commenting that you don't "get" why typefaces are important (they are), please comment on another article. We get that you're ignorant, we get that you don't care, we also get that you have such a low comprehension of priority that you'll read an entire article about a subject you claim isn't worth

Precisely. What car companies, computer companies, and competing electronics companies like Sony still fail to understand is that you can't show a product without telling people they can buy it. The era of showing the flagship concept that never shows up in the market is over. Thank god it's over. Microsoft made a lot

I agree too, although when dealing with topics like rape- they shouldn't just be a shortcut to character development. Rape's a big, big deal, and a lot of critics are just complaining that it's being used as narrative shorthand to explain any number of character motivations that are just there to make the game more

Oh Seinfeld, you never fail to please with your daily observations of things that just plain don't make sense.

Totally. I've been PC gaming since the early 90s, and have nightmare memories of spending 4 hours installing Darklands only to have it fail in the last five minutes, of toying with CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT until Wing Commander 2 would play its intro in under 2 hours. But standards have changed - gaming is poking

You make solid points, and I'm not criticizing gaming for taking on adult topics, my beef is more with how this is being sold. I think this is a bit of a ham-fisted attempt at selling a female heroine. The real question is, is rape something you feel comfortable setting up a game about tomb-raiding? If you need to

The trailer is well executed, and the topic is very thrilling, yes. But to pass this off as an advance in gaming morality or non-sexism is a little misguided. I'm not criticizing the execution. It's the mentality of the effort in general.

The trouble with pranks is that you have to execute them well, without being totally inappropriate. Maybe a fake porn would work.

That to me makes sense. Recreating a throat kill on a console game with HD graphics does not make sense to me. You're right, games can touch on morality, but there needs to be a judicious weighting of "real life accuracy" against the point of the message. Too often I think they go for the former, and compromise the

Unusual, but there are a lot of great comments on this article. I'd say the biggest difference is effort. Games are leisure, and if there's one core requirement for leisure with most people, it's lack of effort. I'm sorry, I mean we all love to invest some thought and time into gaming and entertainment, but for the

Let me put it to you this way. Doesn't matter what "other movies do". Quoting another commenter:

This isnt evolving, this is BACKWARDS. This is an ignorant idiot's attempt at maturity, but inadvertantly creating torture porn. The original Lara was badass. just because she's a chick doesnt mean she has to have a rape backstory. This is such utter sexist bullshit.

Many of the Kotaku commenters are btw 6-13 years old. It's going to be a rough ride, no matter what step they take in any direction.

C'mon man! Take a walk on the wild side! Dance on the edge! Live on the limits! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.

The $80 difference seems negligible to me when you're talking about total prices that are in the upper 2000 lower 3000 range.

Sounds like you don't work in an ad agency.

Really? Weird, I've heard the exact opposite. Maybe not vegans, but vegetarians. Taste terrible. Eh. Who knows really.

OK So who is the person who made her a star, and why? That would be interesting to hear.

Perhaps we should be asking, why have so many games, why has so much of the console experience, driven towards a simulation of the horrible experience of actual armed combat against other human beings?