
First off, there's a million ways you can do black and white. I usually give credit to the spokesperson, making games is hard, but I can't imagine a publishing company understanding how effective B&W coule be, if done right, and that kind of pressure is easy to cave in to. You'd have to drop a chunk of change on a

Maybe he was terrified no one would care if they knew the real condition and did a bad thing.

This article's copy reads like something direct off the teleprompter from Inside Edition.

The twenty million number actually never surfaced until the early 90s. Prior to that, the Soviets kept a tight lip on the actual number of causalities during WWII. It wasn't until after the fall of the USSR that people started digging again, and I remember vividly when news reports hit front pages and the TV news all

Ooooh! As bitter as it is, and as much as I disagree with it, I can't help but like your comment. This music sounds better busting out of an FM chip in an NES than it ever will farting out a brass section halfway across the world.

You are seeing things

I say nay! Mobile devices' rotational viewing orientations have created exciting new opportunities for portraiture composition, booyah

Nothing's impossible

Yes and then he will die

Very true, there are all sorts of flaws of logic in this piece, or the original study. I would think assholishness would be very subjective, as would "nice guy". It just reads a tad misogynist to me.

You're absolutely right. I work at a huge advertising firm, a firm (like many) owned by a clueless umbrella corporation with an incompetent IT division. This means that my company, like many, has unreliable and spotty WiFi, and the Wifi that we do have doesn't allow server access (for security reasons). Our sister

Thats still a lot of water! Considering the height of mt Everest is the height of a fingernail's thickness on your average schoolhouse globe. Our topside existence is spread remarkably thin over such a large sphere...

Ran like a pig on my 07 macbook pro with 4GB ram. Ran much better on a MacBook Air '11 or a later model MB Pro. Still cant use any of the higher detail settings...

Regardless of the autotune/melodyne accusations, this is still a hella complex piece of arrangement and very work intensive.

it could and probably is pitch correction, but it might be that he unison overlapped many takes of his voice singing the same parts, whcih, if sung near perfectly each time, would produce a similar effect.

Absa-fn-lutely. I skipped bowling parties to finish that game one summer. Mistake.

What's weird, as a 34 year old who got to these endings btw the age of 10-12, I remember distinctly disapproving and approving them. I felt totally robbed by the Ghosts n Goblins ending (which was completed by a neighbor, but felt the Zelda ending was totally rad. Same thing goes for Contra. Not sure what my criteria

Hes not going to "blow" away the games you love, you can still play your shitty gun games until you die and your kids are taking massive bong hits in college.

Just because he doesnt like the games you like doesnt automatically make him pretentious. Pretension implies posing, and this guy aint posing. his points may be harsh, but they are sound and thought out and not arbitrary. Pretension implies fakeness, and although you coud describe him as maniacal, narrow minded, or

True story! At a LGBT rights party/soiree, these two wonderful people propositioned my gay friend for a threesome. They did so approximately four sentences after introducing themselves to us. When my friend demurred, Simon left us with "Nothing is hotter than seeing your wife orgasm because of another man". Then they