
I think that was a 4 bit atari sample at the end

There are things I haven't even said yet attributed to me on Reddit. But I eventually do say some of them.

Sarcasm aside, even taking cultural relativism of the sexist era in which it was produced in stride, it still stands on its own as a bizarre comic. The plots focus frequently on BDSM of the titular character and any females arbitraily thrown into the plot.

Missing from article: He can also look like a cactus if painted green and covered with needles and closes his eyes.

Wonder Woman should have never been adapted in the first place. It was a creepy, borderline misogynistic, bizarre comic with absolutely terrible plots, incomprehensible villains and weak dialogue, even by comic standards. It was essentially a vehicle for the author to explore his own dank fantasies and issues with

Hopefully we won't need harddrives anymore, soon.

Inception is one of those films that hits hard and hits wide - meaning a lot of people think it's really great from the second it drops in movie theatres. Instead of the slow grow of appreciation that true classics are created from (See: The Big Lebowski, which was critically drubbed and made little money on initial

Yeah what's the problem, looks to scale to me.

Do you tear off other people's underwear everyday? Because that may not be as normal as you think.

haha. Maybe you should bling it out.

I remember being 12 on a trip to England and discovering this game around the time it came out, and then subsequently forcing my parents to help me find glue to put the game together. Man, were they pissed. No we did not find any glue.

Remember that scene in CONTACT, where all hope was lost, but there was a secret billionaire who built his own project?

The problem is that fans of mysteries per se, are fans of narrative, and narratives don't have the same pitfalls games do - IE unresolved doubt. Everything critical to a narrative's progression is resolved, and unresolved are intentional, whereas in a game that control doesn't exist. So it seems a game for fans of

Um, VVVVVVVVV anyone? How can one write this review without mentioning VVVVVV? Also, VVVVVV??

They have a huge library of movies; only about 1 in 6 that I search for they don't have, or only have via mail. But even bigger is their TV show database, which is apparently huge because the business model works more in studios favor for streaming services as opposed to DVD sales

You mean actually WAIT for something to download? F that noise.

Try Doc Martin, a decent, oft-hilarious fish-out-of-water BBC comedy/drama from the mid-aughts. Recommended to me by... New York magazine? Season 1 is really good, starts to get derivative after that.

It's amazing that often the box illustrators would come up with these concepts on their own. They'd be given about two hours to play the game and then they could pretty much do whatever they wanted. An elf? Sure! How about the gun thingy is a wand? Ok!