
I ONLY play games for ambiance.

Thank you, it was delicious.

You're right, this anime's derivative nature, shatpoor animation, cringeworthily inappropriate music, eighth rate voice acting, and the fact that this stuff is so massively popular does fill me with anger!

Anyone who cites IQ as an accomplishment of any sort clearly is too much of an idiot to realize that IQ means absolutely nothing, but then again, that's just how the idiot brain is wired. Where can I can a certificate of genius?

You do fail, mainly this: most violent games put you in a position of kill or be killed. This game is not like that, this game puts the player in a predatory role, inciting his/her own will against an innocent victim. Yes, some shooters play with moral ambiguity (to their credit), but generally, and this goes for

An excellently thought out, well reasoned argument, and you even offer recommendations. Great comment!

That's an excellent point. What you really need is an old, wood-paneled CRT propped on top of your LCD TV and balancing against the wall. The weight of it will occasionally knock your LCD onto the ground, but the occasional expensive LCD replacement is so worth that vintage feel.

I don't know, man, there's something about that composite video fuzziness that really ties together the experience for me.

Nothing about the apps compulsory registration? Really?

Didn't that guy have an anxiety attack the very next day and eventually lost his job due to the trauma?

I think it's shit movie plot because it's not an interesting movie plot. Not because of some weird thing that you mention.

Alll I can think about is how much I want a slap chop, although I'd like it a bit larger.

Aside from some BBSsing, using my dad's info to get access to files on local boards, my first memory is on PRODIGY, where I posted to a board about the Anarchist Cookbook, and a dude claiming to be my dad's business associate "e-mailed" me, told me he was going to rat me out. In 1993. It was an early (and valuable!)

I bet, if I tried, I could count them. This is the most pointless thread I have ever been involved in, and I think it's great!

That's why it's a joke, because it's not true. See where the funny is?

Nah, it was just elegant commercial industrial design.

I'm sure the PCjr inventor goes to sleep, dreaming of machete holding.

No no no, it needs to be said EVERY time. What is this "enough" times you speak of? I'm not familiar with that word in this context.

Amazing. Of course, this is not just sexism, because all the guys listed are assholes in ten million other ways outside of being sexist. So are they sexists?, or are they just assholes using sexism as a tool?

But was that enough??? :)