
@imaria: I agree with you, but it is creepy. And if I was a parent, everything in this review would be VERY RELEVANT TO ME.

this is soooo creeepy.

@stranger: It out-features many netbooks at $499. I don't think you're the target market. I'm pretty sure this will clobber the netbook market, but it won't really affect the laptop market... maybe. YOu have to realize a lot of people want a "kitchen" laptop for everyday use. Buying tix, reading books, etc. The extra

@exion: I don't think you're the target market. I'm pretty sure this will clobber the netbook market, but it won't really affect the laptop market... maybe.

Are you saying that all women think about when they hear the word "pad" is their own menstruation?

@effin: I think Batman's story worked more seamlessly than Uncharted 2's did, yes. Uncharted 2 was TOO much like a movie, too linear, with all the answers spoon ferd to you. Like a movie. At least Batman's multiple plots hinted at a larger narrative world at work. Uncharted was go from point a to point b,, shoot and

Wow you guys... way to pick the game with the most unoriginal game mechanics. It's just an FPS with a few bells and whistles. It's boring in spots and gives away all the puzzles before your brain even starts to think.

Am I allowed to name call on the forums without being censored? Because there are a bunch of names I'd love to call this guy.

@BryanH: First Amendment rights in this or any country do not cover content that is declared obscene. Obscenity is a moving target ever under the shift of cultural mores. Currently, most of America tolerates basic pornography, however, none of america tolerates depictions of rape or child molestation.

@oogabubchub: "Daikatana" failed due to bad worth of mouth, which will kill any entertainment product, not jsut games, and not just entertainment that's wildly promoted.

@FireflyPunk: Hence the moral majority's strategy of not making sexual content unattainable, just watered-down, or worse, inconvenient.

Are you kidding? The open world of NMH was a JOKE, it was more like a belabored, tedious menu system where you had to *walk miles* from option "a" to option "b".

@(Zombie) Jölan: Evidently when you say "All I'm saying", you are lying, because you go on to say more and more.

@wirebrain: A group in NYC has done that, they are called Interference. Look em up.

@Showmeyomoves!: They added a replay function to Burnout Paradise as well, just under a year ago. Made the game 500% better.

I think I can safely say, as a recovering W3K player, that this MMO will have the most socially maladroit players of all MMOs.

I hate to say this, but I find AVclub's comments the best of a bad bunch. Gawker's a good second though.

@KaneRobot: 3D is working in theatre engagements right now, but ask anyone walking out after the movie's finished and they'd agree they'd get a mindnumbing headache if they had to watch anything longer than two hours. It's just not tenable to endure a 15+ hour game in 3D with the current technology.

Nope. 3D is a fad.