
If Steve Miller Band is in any of these games, then he's 100% correct. #guitarhero

she LITERALLY glows from within?

@Erwin: Phenomenal.

@BoyceCarme: If I want realism I go outside and hail a taxi and sit there bored waiting for my destination.

How is sexism in the workplace hidden so well from me? I'm a guy, and I pay attention, at least I think so, and so I was shocked to hear my friend (at the bar, her going away party) say her ass has been swatted "almost daily".

@Sarcasmancer: You know what annoys me? Limitations. Of any kind. Anything that would otherwise allow a game to be released in time to be played, fun, and generally focused. I love open world games that make everything in the real world possible, including boredom, aimless ennui, loss of ambition and meaning, and

@WhatTheFrag: Most workers I met in Dubai are stuck there and destitute.

dude, rearmed was the best. all i want is another rearmed.

@Modus_Operandi: I thinky ou'er being really unrealistic from a development workflow and timeline point of view. SImply put, the scope of any given project must stop in order to get an achievable release date. Features msut be limited to meet timeliens and quarterly financial requirements. Simply put - They can't

@dowingba: I truly enjoy the multiplatform opportunities nintendo's turn key enterprise amusement solutions hold in terms of long term happy growth potential in the current market while moving forward with extensive interaction in a burgoning community where brand awareness goes hand in hand with increased

@denki: i came in here to say exactly that. looks like some designer was a little too comfortable with their reference materials. consumer confusion ensues!

Interesting that the clips were embedded incorrectly as 4:3 when they are 16:9, and the effect of that error makes them all look thinner.

@Mr. Lonely Chaser: You could have whittled your comment to just the last line and it would be just as good.

If any of you didn't say "Braid", you're lying

Just wanted to say that I'm impressed and happy how much attention Kotaku is giving the iPod/iPhone as an emerging game device, treating it seriously given it's huge userbase, even if a lot of the commenters are being shortsighted jerks about it ;)

i bow to japan for protecting the world from the mediocre chunk of its cultural offerings.

$1000 per minute?

@unangbangkay: Maybe if they didn't charge $5 for one fucking car I'd agree with you.