
If a guy makes $25 an hour, and takes 14-15 hours to do a job because he has little to no experience, it still makes more sense to pay a guy $80 an hour if it's only going to take that person 3-4. Not only will it cost less in time spent not working, the work will be warrantied in case something was done incorrectly.

I can see how that might be true, but couldn't they choose any angle? with everyone being a different height, they could even try making it easier to view, but most people would still need to adjust it.

I wonder if it's theoretically possible to create an external cache of RAM that connects via the Thunderbolt port. Not that I think anyone would ever make something like that, I just wonder if it's technically feasible seeing as how Thunderbolt is like connecting directly into the motherboard.

I'm gonna have to pull the "BULLSHIT" card on you.

1) My original point was always that Apple charging $200 for the memory upgrade is perfectly in-line, if not a better deal in some cases, than what other OEM's charge when ordering a new laptop. Of course memory ordered from Newegg will always cost less, but Newegg doesn't sell the memory modules used in the Retina

I'm sure somebody is just itching to bring up the soldered RAM and the fact Apple charges $200 to upgrade from 8 gigs to 16 gigs, so I want to nip this in the bud before that happens.

That's an interesting thought. Now that I think about it, the only products I've seen Giz review in-house lately are Marijuana vaporizers.

Haha exactly. I just spec'd out the closest thing HP makes to the Retina MacBook Pro and it's only $299 less. The Retina display, better graphics chip, far superior build quality, and larger battery way more than make up the added cost.

I have to call bullshit. I just got back from my local Apple Store and the display is INSANE. I loaded up iPhoto to check out some of the high res images they have to demo the capabilities of the screen, and couldn't believe what I was seeing. There's a shot of a woman's face that's sharper than any printed media I've

This entire argument is mute considering HP charges $255 to upgrade from 8 gigs to 16 gigs of RAM in their laptops.

I figured I'd actually go around and check the price to upgrade from 8 gigs to 16 gigs of 1600MHz memory in a PC laptop, and discovered that not only is $200 a great deal, but $2200 for a laptop with the specs of the Retina MacBook Pro is on par with rival PC's.

You do know that comparing the cost of mass produced memory to custom modules specifically designed and manufactured for one computer, doesn't make any sense, right?

Apple already got in trouble for rejecting "competing" apps (Google Voice), and there's already tons of alternative map apps in the app store. Approving every other map app, then arbitrarily singling out Google's entry, will bring more scrutiny and negative attention than Apple wants to deal with.

Every single product they've released, or drastically updated, since the iPhone has cost the same, or less in many cases, than similar competing products. The iPhone, iPad, AppleTV, MacBook Air, and iMac are all priced very competitively. This is made possible thanks to the extreme rise in popularity of Apple products

I'll never fully comprehend how some people can brush off all of Apple's success with the iPhone , and boil it completely down to "good marketing". What marketing are you talking about? The occasional spots on television? John Malkovich laughing at a cheesy joke from Siri?

Yeah, good call. The same closed eco-system that aids Apple in accumulating 75% of all profits in the mobile industry sure isn't bringing in that "big money".

Oh please.. Buy a $9 adapter, that Apple would probably give you for free if you raised a stink, and you can use all the legacy adapters you want.

You'd be surprised, as was I, when I actually sat down and put one of the (very) recently replaced MBA's through it's paces. This was the highest end model before this newest refresh (Core i7, 4 gigs of RAM, and 256 GB SSD), and it was hard to bog down. I set one up for a client that has recently switched from

Not calling you out, I'm just too lazy to navigate Asus's terrible website in search of their ultrabooks. Which models in particular allow 8 gigs of 1600MHz RAM, a 512 GB SSD, 2GHz Core i7, 1440 x 900 display, Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, HD webcam, Bluetooth 4.0, backlit keyboard, Multi-Touch touchpad, and 7 hours of