
It's never going to be a completely "fair" comparison. If the Vette wins, like it did in this example, people will/did (justifiably) complain about MT not using the GTS Viper. If the Viper would have won, people would have (justifiably) complained about pitting a brand spanking new car design against one that's the

Haha I think someone has penises on the brain if that's the first place you went upon reading those names. I guess the closest of the three to anything phalic would be "David's Sling", but it's a weak resemblance at best.

"...the price of a slightly used car is almost identical to the price of that same car brand new."

Now playing

This new commenting system is absolutely atrocious so I have no idea if someone else has posted this, but our friends at Top Gear have frequently spoken out against speed cameras on the show. Here's one of my favorite (because it's readily available on YouTube) such moments.

Irony: Bullying a bully for bullying.

Please, for the love of God, read the article.

Hahahaha.. WHAT!? Am I an the twilight zone? Did we read different articles?? The ENTIRE post was about the fact that Apple had been working with those partners for "weeks or months", and it was simply poor communication between the companies and lazy journalism that started the whole rumor that they didn't know until

How is this comment in any way relevant to the original post? And if we're using a single example to prove a point, I'll add mine to the mix. I started a computer repair company while I was in high school, and 99.9% of the work involved removing malware from computers. Wanna guess how many of those computers were

Did I just read an entirely different article than the rest of you? The responses here couldn't be more ironic if they tried.

Is the online version, autotrader.com, related to the printed paper? I'd assume they are.

What is this, TMZ.com? Obviously this wasn't the best way to deal with the situation, but this is being blown way out of proportion. People are so desperate for drama, they'll drudge up anything that even remotely resembles it.

Huh? People are already talking about the next gen M5? Beyond the f10? I'd be surprised if BMW even knew what it was going to look like, let alone details about the drivetrain.

From what I understand, you only hear a "fake" engine noise when inside the vehicle. As far as the sound coming from the exhaust, it's engineered to sound the way it does just like every other modern performance car's exhaust note.

Your decision is actually easier than you think. Buy the iPad now, and if the Surface ends up being everything you're hoping for, at the right price, when it's eventually released, you can sell the iPad for slightly less then what you originally paid. Apple products, especially the iPhone/iPod/iPad lines, have

Oh wow, I haven't run into any that make you wait until checkout. You mean you have to actually commit to the purchase? Or they wait until the final confirmation page? The shopping cart thing always bugged me. I remember reading, on Newegg if my memory serves me, that it has something to do with rules regarding how

Exactly what Segador said. I'm sure they have great reasons too, but until you have those details sorted out, your product isn't ready for an extravagant public unveiling. It's hard for people to get excited about something if they don't know how much it's going to cost. An exact release date and battery life

I was just thinking about this last night. I can't think of a single Apple product announced in my lifetime (I'm 25) that didn't include price and availability. They may shirk on details regarding the internal workings, ie what processor they're using, how fast it is, type and quantity of RAM, etc.. but they always

But there isn't a single example of "one for consumers one for professionals" working for tablets, and at least a few have tried. Creating an awesome product isn't only about including great ideas, it's just as much about having the discipline to know which ideas to exclude.

??? They're making TWO different versions that both run completely different processors? One with an Intel for "real" windows, and one that runs ARM chips for Windows RT? But they promise accessories will be compatible, and most apps will be... Why are they splitting the product up like this right at the beginning?

AT&T didn't allow an early upgrade when the 4S came out, and I didn't consider it to be worth the ~$600 I would have paid to get one, so I just stayed with my 4. A couple weeks ago I came across an opportunity to upgrade on the cheap, so I took it. Even after just 2 weeks of using the 4S, I wouldn't even consider