
I imagine this has been brought up already, but you've been able to lock your phone remotely with a 4 digit password via iCloud for quite some time.

Where do people find the energy to write posts like that..

I'm sure you're being slightly sarcastic, but for those who genuinely question the "need" for a 2880 x 1800 laptop display, the Retina display actually goes beyond the "wow" factor for video/photo editing and CAD work. For example, you can demo a full res, pixel for pixel, 1080p video in a small(ish) window, with more

I really don't mean to come off as pithy or disrespectful, so don't take it as such, but I honestly think you're putting way too much significance and importance into what this website is, and it's role in your life. The fact you actually prefaced your comment with worry over your "star" only confirms my suspicion.

My brain hurts from trying to read that. Come on Giz.. This post wasn't just missing some commas and periods, it was missing entire words. Is it too much too ask for someone to simply read through proposed posts just once??

Download Waze. It's crowd sourced, so traffic problems are updated instantly, it learns your driving habits, so it gets better and better the longer you use it, and best of all, it's totally free.

Have you seen Nokia's exponentially sinking financials? Unless people suddenly start buying Windows Phone based Nokia phones, once Android makes it's way into cheap handsets, Nokia will be chopped up and sold for their patents, talent, and manufacturing equipment.

Good God, I can smell your snobbery all the way from over here.

Huh..? What videos are you talking about? All the videos I just watched were mostly crashes, seats breaking, shifting into reverse, stalling, wheels beating the cars they were once attached to, etc...

Huh? I thought it said $425,000?

Can none of you take a freakin joke? I can't believe the depths at which everyone is reading into such an obviously sarcastic post. It's mean to provide nothing more than a quick, cheap, laugh. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. What's up with all the personal attacks towards the author and Gizmodo in general?

For the record, I don't think your comment conveyd the desired message like you hope it did. No need to get smart just because someone didn't understand it. Happy towel day!

People who like their ketchup fancy and their ketchup containers fancier.

How do these people become starred? Read the article. That tiny bit of food left in containers multiplied by a billion is a pretty huge amount of food waste. It also a perfect gimmick for an ad. Imagine the new bottle next to a competitor using the old bottle, one freely flowing and the other just sitting there. Any

Are you implying that people would actually reconsider their ketchup use if the ingredients were sorted differently? I really, really, doubt that.

Ha, thanks for the kind words. I've stopped checking the site nearly as much as I used to over the last few months. They try so hard to sensationalize things, invent problems, and stir up crap, that I've lost a lot of the respect I once had. Too bad, but there's plenty of superior tech blogs, so it's whatever.

Wouldn't the "victim" in this situation be the actual content creators? The MPAA And RIAA are merely 3rd party referees.

As long as they adopted some high end craftsmanship, not just materiel's, this sounds like a great idea. Hoodies typically withstand far more wear and tear than your traditional suit jacket, and this materiel can rip fairly easy. Any word on the stitching used?

Exactly. A hoodie made from run of the mill cotton, pun intended, is going to cost you $65. This is made from the same materiel, and hopefully craftsmanship, that high end suits are made from. That's easily worth the $85 difference IMO.

I had my star taken by him because I had the nerve to respectfully argue over a glaring problem in a post about an iPad. I guess some days people act rationally, some days they don't.