
If it was made with public funds, I would outright demand they allow tours. But it wasn't. If i build a really big house, am I expected to allow all my neighbors inside? I sure hope not.

Yeah! EVERYONE knows that really old pecan trees are more important than safety!!! What were they thinking?!

I get what he's trying to say, but it would have made a lot more sense if he stuck "someone" after "order" and before "to". It would still be a shitty sentence, but it wouldn't hurt everyone's brain so much.

Smart enough to develop the chair, too dumb to record it in action.

Good god.. What if he rolled over...

If you have Chrome, you can install their add-on that allows you right click on any image you find on the internet, click on "Search Google with this image", and see the results. Saves you the trouble of saving the image, loading Google Images, uploading the image, and searching for it.

And I'm saying it doesn't have to be a "shell game". If you're the person that likes playing games and feeling like you're getting a good deal on a trade, just so you can turn around and pay more for another car, go for the trade in.

Hahaha what?? It's "not all that out of the ordinary" for someone to return a phone, get offered a reward, then beat up by the owners of the phone for that same reward money?

Of course Apple fans will embrace this after spurning phones with larger screens, just like Android fans pretend there isn't a system wide lag. If Google solved the problem, every Fandroid would go on and on about the superiority of the new system, lamenting the fact they ever used something so archaic in the past.

I think they were more or less referring to the increase in overall size of the phone from a larger screen. From the mock-ups people are coming up with, Apple should be able to do this without dramatically increasing the size of the actual device.

What about the 4th option: I don't want anyone else to know what weird thing I'm listening to/watching.

A million dollars says you've never done that.



Then you'll likely never do a trade. Trade-ins are for people taking advantage of tax credits, and those of us without internets skillz. It's also for people that genuinely don't care about the thousands less they're getting. Spending the time and going through the trouble of selling it themselves wouldn't be close to

I'm not sure about automatically opening a house door based on your proximity, but they do have apps that unlock your car and house, along with controlling the lighting and thermostat, if you have the appropriate modules installed.

I came to say that exact thing, but I wanted to make sure nobody beat me to the punch. If it weren't for this article, I would have zero clue that something like this was possible. It's not like you're key will have a tag on it that says: "THIS KEY OPENS MY HOUSE, CAR, TRAILER HITCH, ETC...".

You're right. Giving directions, specific numbers/figures, websites, email addresses, and lists is MUCH more efficient while talking over the phone, especially when one party or the other is in a loud place. Who doesn't love repeating themselves and forcing the other party to take out a pen and paper to write down

I've tried Salvia before, back before it was made illegal where I used to live, and shrooms. I'm just not a hallucinogen kind of guy. I don't like stuff that makes you lose complete control, which is why I never tried acid or X. But that was all a different lifetime ago, I can't even handle weed anymore. I used to

Sunday's are usually slow news days in tech. See above article for proof.