
Almost mirrors the story of SWIM. He was 20 years old, 5' 11", and weighed between 135-145 since right about the end of middle school. He would eat insane amounts of food, but literally couldn't gain a single lb. He finally got desperate and acquired a "cycle" worth from a known dealer. Haha if only to prove what a

That's what doesn't make any sense.. I would understand this fierce legal push if they actually sold a product, any exposure is good exposure, right? But they're a bankrupt company with nothing on the market. Maybe they think that coming to America will drum up support for their cause and Apple will be shunned into

Не благодарите меня, слава Google переводить

The silliest thing about the "giving directions to a friend" test is that you can do the exact same thing on an iPhone, and you don't even need to waste your time with a stylus. iPhone's have had walking directions for a long time.

Pitting an "average" iPhone user against someone that's been practicing the tasks on a different phone is pretty lame. Pit me and my iPhone against an "average" Android user, and I'll make they're device look like a Nokia from 2003.

I don't think I've seen an overall glowing review of the note on any tech site.. I'm sure some of the Android fan sites might like it, but it seems that any "general" tech blog thinks it's a joke.

Я впечатлен вы прошли через проблемы использовать реальные слова.

Spear fishing can be super frustrating, but that just makes it all the more rewarding when you actually spear a fish or lobster. Most of the popular dive spots are protected, but it's not uncommon for specific areas to be opened up for hunting.

If I can suggest a great idea for anyone in here, I highly recommend getting SCUBA certified from your local dive shop. Even if you don't end up going on a "real" dive for a while, the process of certifying alone can be really fun.

Yeah I heard about that back when it surfaced. Hasn't been a problem so far, and with 90+ gigs of music, there's plenty of opportunities for songs to get mixed up.

I have plenty of explicit tracks, but I've never noticed it mixing them up with clean versions.

The problem with wireless data at the moment, has nothing to do with reaching any theoretical limits, but entirely to do with outdated infrastructure unable to cope with the load. Those theoretical limits do exist, but as "velocity" said: "Take a look at RF/Telecom tech 30 years ago and look at it now. Imagine where

Please be a little more respectful when replying to others. This isn't the comment section underneath some YouTube video.

The ability to voice dial while the phone is passcode locked can be disabled, but even if it's enabled, you have to already know the person's name to initiate a call. This hack is potentially dangerous because it gives access to all stored contacts and any saved information.

I kind of expect that if someone has my phone in their possession, especially for as long as this hack takes to complete, they're going to be able to extract virtually anything if they really want to.

As a heavy "cloud data" user, I'm fairly surprised that I was apparently up against such a big problem, especially since I haven't had any issues.

Want to hear my uber-paranoid theory regarding Anonymous? Anon is actually run the the government! It may sound crazy, but hear me out. The people would never support any kind of internet censorship, or "control", right? Well what's the best way to change someone's mind about something? Fear. If an organization

I went to buy a new TV, and I walked out with a Sony 3D LED flat screen with 2 pairs of 3D glasses, and a Sony GoogleTV Blu-ray player, for the price of a normal TV. After using the whole combo for a couple months, I now see why they were literally giving them away.

They make some great points, but this seems like something my mom would come up with - and she likes talking animal movies.

It seems to me like the camera would inadvertently open up all the time if the only requirement is that a button be held down.