
Your argument is that a product can't be revolutionary if only one major aspect is dramatically changed? Really? So if Motorola released a phone that could last the better part of a week, that wouldn't be revolutionary? After all, we're only talking about an improved battery, right?

That's the truly amazing thing though, the stereotypical "Apple tax" that helped define every product out of Cupertino since the 80's, has virtually disappeared in the last few years. I can't think of one new Apple product released since 2007 that doesn't cost the same as, if not less than, all of their competitors.

Out of curiosity, what's the method for quickly accessing the camera when using a Windows Phone? Do you literally just press the camera button, even if the phone is locked, and it opens the camera app? It seems like you would have to constantly worry about your camera turning on if this were the case.

Could you try any harder to diminish this? Here's a definition for "revolutionary":

"remember, iOS doesn't scale natively like Android does, so EVERYTHING, even native OS elements like buttons, text, etc will look blurry when users hit that "x4" button."

When Apple was super restrictive with their App Store, everyone called them out, especially Gizmodo. They've since loosened up a bit, resulting in apps like this slipping through, and Gizmodo is right back on top of them, criticizing their methods and policies.

I think you might have missed the point..

of course the problem with telling people there's a problem with eating snow, is that in a survivol situation, it's unquestionably better than drinking nothing. Is eating snow for your water harder on your body than cracking open a Fiji? I'm sure it is, but sadly, the latter isn't an option when you're stranded out in

Education alone enables a mere 20,000 people to do the menial labor of 200,000? Where exactly did you find this information, because I have a feeling you made it up.

What's to stop you from simply purchasing whatever Apple product you want from eBay? Does the exchange rate mess things up?

Not surprising at all. Engadget, specifically it's readers, have turned into a very unfunny joke over the last couple years.

I wouldn't exactly call that a sweeping generalization. Terrible comments are exactly why I "left" Engadget, and came to Gizmodo. I used to check Engadget at least a couple times a day, and I honestly can't remember the last time I went there in the last couple years. The commenting became so hateful to anything Apple

When has any MacBook Pro included a built in HDMI port, DVI port, and VGA port? The only ports/devices they're potentially excluding from current models, is the optical drive, ethernet port, and FireWire port. That's it. And when did individual adapters start weighing more than a few ounces? You're talking about the

As far as I'm concerned, Gizmodo should keep doing things exactly the same. If I want nothing more than a list of specs, facts, and figures, I know exactly where to get that information, and it isn't here. I come to Gizmodo precisely because they're opinionated. Based on years of reading their articles, I've come to

Now playing

I travel between my home in southern Utah, to my home in northern Utah, at least a few times a month. I wonder how many times I've passed one of these trucks? My home in southern Utah looks over the city, and you can easily see the freeway from the back deck.

I imagine once they put one of these loads on the road, one of the top priorities is getting it to it's destination ASAFP. Sometimes that requires going near Mexico and Canada, because the alternative would be adding hundreds, if not thousands, of miles to the route, further increasing the chance they're involved in

First of all, the map basically just shows all the major freeways in the country. If someone was going to try and mess with one of these shipments, assuming they would travel along major interstate freeways would be automatically assumed.

As long as we're correcting spelling and grammar, wouldn't it make more sense to write: "I feel like a douche, but I can't fucking STAND typos." The way you said it, reads like you can't stand having sex with typos.

Appears to be the same kind of "Easter egg" that appears in all sorts of products, put there by someone who's either really bored or has a very active sense of humor.

The biggest hurdle in creating biodegradable plastic, is that you're creating biodegradable plastic. We want our food containers and products to last for a long time, not degrade away. How is the plastic supposed to know when we're done with it?