
How do you guys relate Apple's lawsuits to what a patent troll like Proview is doing? Apple may be very litigious, but I've only ever seen them threaten legal action over patents regarding products they currently sell. There's a huge difference between that, and a company that not only doesn't produce said product,

I think I see where you're going, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. If I created and copyrighted a product here in the US, then someone in China copied it, they could sell it in China without any problems, but the moment they tried to sell it in the US, I could have it removed from stores and blocked from

Whoa there.. settle down. Please show some basic respect when replying to others, this isn't the comment section underneath some YouTube video.

Good call. I set my mother up with a Core 2 Duo iMac back in '08, and right after Lion was released I was seriously considering replacing it with a newer model. Instead, I started looking into SSD's, and figured that spending $500-600 on a new hard drive would be a lot less expensive than buying a new iMac, and it

Good call, that's another great time to use it.

Good points.

Google's reverse image search is great for finding out where else your picture is being used. If I ever see a profile on a dating website that looks suspicious or too good to be true, I reverse image search the main profile picture to verify it's legitimacy. Since I started doing this, I've been very surprised at just

Just playing the devil's advocate here, but could it also be argued that in some cases, allowing a company to indefinitely patent an idea, does in fact help the common good?

Hey now! I was just being a smart ass, it's OK.

"Because of its "low"-ish price. Truly, its one of the cheapest portable OSX machines you can get. "

I understand where you're coming from. That's why I installed Skyfire on my iPad and iPhone. It's nice to have just in case I run into a website with Flash content. I've actually been pretty surprised how little I ever use it, though.

I think the problem here is that you're missing the entire point of removing the optical drive, ports, and moving to SSD's. If they were removing them just to remove them, then you'd have a great point. Why take them out if you can't offer me something to make it worth it?

If we were having this discussion in 2008, before the first MacBook Air was released, you could be making great points. At that time, Apple's decision to eliminate the optical drive, ethernet port, and FireWire, was totally unproven, and hotly contested on blogs just like Gizmodo. But it isn't 2008, it's 2012, and the

Oh come on.. Enough with the super-sensible rationalizing! Microsoft and Apple are two of the original competitors in the technology world. They've been at each others throats since the 80's. Their history with each other is filled with controversy, drama, and finger-pointing. They're deeply entrenched in a

I didn't realize Apple wasn't a software company as well. I wonder who made Mac OS X, iOS, iLife, iWork, iTunes, Safari, Final Cut Pro, etc...

So if you're a woman they run across your bra's underwire? What if you weren't wearing a bra? would they have to just straight up feel across your barely covered breasts?

Any adapter that needs more bandwidth than USB can offer will just use Thunderbolt, which just happens to be the fastest consumer I/O port in existence.

For sure. I've run a computer repair and consulting business for the past 7 years, I must have no clue what the typical person needs from a computer, it's not a huge part of how I make a living or anything.

Apple hasn't released a single new product since right around 2007 that matches the old stigma of having an "Apple tax". The iPhone costs as much as, if not less, than competing products, the AppleTV costs as much as, if not less, than competing products, the iPad costs as much as, if not less, than competing

How did every single person fall? I can see one or two, but what the hell happened here? Does anyone have enough experience in bike racing to fill me in?