
Hahahahaha.. Oh my gosh.. I almost started crying at the end when the girls voice was deepened from the slow-mo.

I like to think I have a somewhat sophisticated sense of humor, so it's mildly embarrassing to admit I kind of love most of these super cheesy gag shows.

I have to admit, reading through the comments that follow posts like this one truly scares me. I mean, what if Apple actually listened to this loud minority? I'm reminded of how grateful I am that Apple doesn't rely on focus groups to create their products.

For the love of God.. FIX THE FU**ING COMMENTS! I never realized how much I would miss paragraphs..

What makes more sense:

Anecdotal evidence is fun, but the fact is very few people use anything but WiFi to connect their laptops to the internet. The very few people that absolutely must have an ethernet port can simply use the tiny USB adapter that Apple currently produces for just those occasions.

Ohh nooo no no. While I totally understand where your hesitations towards a super slim "wedge-shaped" laptop come from, you really need to spend some time with the current MacBook Air to appreciate just how much sturdier it feels, and is. After spending a few hours working with and carrying around the new Air, it

Someone needs to go through every one of these comments and leave a reply that links to the NYT article. It's not just about making products cheaper, it's about the US literally not having close to enough qualified workers.

You have no clue what you're talking about. Apple doesn't produce their products in China simply because it's cheap, they literally have to. There aren't even close to as many qualified engineers and laborers in the US to accommodate a fraction of Apple's manufacturing needs. And of course you didn't notice statements

The chances that your single backup on some consumer-grade Western Digital external drive will fail before a multi-billion dollar server setup like Apple or Google rely on are ridiculously higher. If Google or Apple's servers fail, losing our data will probably be the last thing on everyone's mind, because that

Good catch. I just realized it's "slight", not "sly", when using it that way. I just watched the episode of The Office where Dwight says: "I meant that as a compliment to you Phyllis, as well as a "slight" to Andy.", and it sounded like he said "sly" instead. My bad.

I read, possibly here on Gizmodo, that the iPhone 4S has unique noise cancellation and human voice recognition/separation hardware that helps Siri perform better. If I'm totally honest though, I think it's safe to assume it was only implemented into the 4S for mainly marketing reasons. And come on.. you're reading too

They do it with bulk purchasing, and pre-payment for components in the form of factory re-tooling and R&D. That's how they get technology in their products that competitors not only can't match on price, but can't even buy in the first place because of exclusivity contracts. It's exactly why PC manufacturers are

Will some websites drag their feet, or in some rare cases, never change from Flash? Sure. But the sites that 99% of people access will unquestionably change, if they haven't already, and the rest will do so rather quickly. There's less than 2 billion computers in use in the world today, and over 6 billion mobile

I guess they assume that anyone who needs more power than a 12 physical core, 24 virtual core, system provides on it's own, will upgrade to multi-system server setups and offload the hardcore rendering.

I think I'm going to start marking where my paragraphs begin and end with a big capital P. I'm getting sick of my well crafted comments turning into walls of text.

I'm on board with coming up with a way to sell new products without the headache if it means actually having enough supply to satiate demand.

That was clearly a sarcastic "prediction" meant as a sly to the iPhone 4S. AKA: trolling.

I hate when you meticulously separate your comment into paragraphs and Gizmodo mashes it all together once it's posted :( Do we have to manually insert paragraph markers now?

I'm sensing somewhat of a negative tone from your reply. I'm not sure what I could have possibly said to bother you so much, but I was simply offering a different point of view based on my own personal experience.