
I've been laughing for 5 minutes straight. I'm sure this is just another common meme to add to my list of things I should have already seen, but thank you.

Ha! I want to dig up all the comments I made on various tech blogs that I wrote to warn people not to buy WebOS products. Anyone with an open mind, and not attached to any particular brand, saw this coming months and months ago. When Palm released their own WebOS products they didn't just fail, they got AIDS, caught

I don't think it would accept the kind of connection that the current computers use for charging. That would require axing the widely implemented dock connection. They would either have to implement a new magsafe type connector alongside a legacy dock connector, or make the dock connector magsafe capable.

Every time the store goes "down" for a new product, it loads a page saying the store is down. The odd thing about the store being down this morning, is that it's legitimately down - it's simply not loading, no notification or anything.

Ba dum tssshhh..

Doubtful. As a bullshitter myself, I can definitely state this man isn't affiliated with Apple in any way. Even if you worked at Apple, anyone short of the engineers who designed the iPhone 5, and the people sitting on the board of directors, no employee knows anything about the next gen iPhone and the details

This reminds me of a recurring nightmare I've been having for the last few years. It's funny because I've never lost a phone to water damage, and it's not like I even spend 10 seconds of my day thinking about it, but at least once or twice a month I have a dream that I fall into a pool, or someone pushes me off a dock

Just so you know, not everyone deals with spotty 3G coverage from AT&T. I live in a small town in southern Utah and I never get under 3 Mbps down, 2 Mbps up. I even get high 4 Mbps down in a lot of areas. As far as calls go, I literally can't remember the last time one dropped on me. I drive to Vegas a couple times a

Are you saying they released a final, finished build of Firefox 6? Because I don't see a download link on their site.. They're still distributing 5.0.1 for Windows.

Haha exactly. I came to say something like that but I couldn't think of a way to word it correctly.

Resisting the urge to drive or sell a car can be just as hard, if not more so, than driving one and keeping it up. He's guaranteeing that one more mint condition BMW from that era will exist as it did from the factory floor, and by doing so he's contributing more to the culture as a whole than anyone taking their car

I can't express enough how poignantly timed this video is. Just when you think the British youth are the worst kind of scumbag, this guy comes along and reminds you that there's plenty of good ones - they just aren't exciting enough to make the news. I love how he looks like a total punk as well, the kind of kid you'd

Good god.. WATCH THE VIDEO! And what genius promoted this comment? There was an accident!

You know when you read a post/watch a video and come to leave a comment but find that someone else said exactly what you were coming to say?

Someone referenced these guys in a comment on Giz or Jalop so I looked them up and immediately thought they were pretty fuc*kin retarded, then I fired up their YouTube channel and watched the first couple videos, then the first 10, then everyone in the house came downstairs to see why I was laughing so hard and

Honestly I can't see this as anything else than an "answer" or outcome to to the experiment. He wanted to know what would happen if he created the card, and he got an answer - and in my opinion, a very interesting one.

They removed the galaxy because it makes the picture more suitable as a wallpaper. Big white spots can hide icons on the desktop and make things more difficult to find.

Wanna know how I know you use an Android based device? Because you have to waste time combing through reviews for people that happen to be using the same device just to see if the app will even work.

Good god, I didn't even read this post, I just quickly skimmed through it, and I feel dumber after that short interaction with it.

Can you honestly sit there and say that it honestly matters who was in office during 9/11? Any president would have gone to war, if even just to guarantee a second term, the public would have been outraged if they felt nothing was being done to make it right.