
Some of them were based on this speaking ability, some were based on his intelligence, or lack thereof, some were based on him being a white hick cowboy, some were based on his accent, some were based on his big ears, others on his wife, hell they didn't even give his children a break.. I can keep going if you want.

Wow. Of all the double standards in the world, the way Bush was treated compared to Obama has got to take the cake.

Gizmodo, specifically the jerk responsible for this article, the depths of your tasteless douchebaggery continue to amaze me. The kid may have been a little bit tenacious, but you were equally unprofessional. What kind of smug ass sits around and ignores someone like that, intentionally brings them to desperation,

It' kind of hard to deny the 3D case design specs that leaked. I guess one could argue that this could be the new iPod Touch, another iDevice that will be released along with the next iPhone, but features like the speaker ports on the bottom, the headphone plug on the top, and the extra mic, point directly at the next

Just to give 2 cents from someone that helps "normal" people with computers everyday.

This was about 100x longer than it needed to be. Here's an example of a good comment for future reference:

When rumors first started up that Apple wouldn't be releasing a new iPhone at this years WWDC I didn't think that was possible for a few reasons, but one of them was that if Apple made people wait until September, they would have no choice but to make a truly amazing iPhone 5. If they did the usual June/July thing

I LOVE the GTR. It's like the underdog that can't help but keep winning. You look at it on paper and it doesn't only look like it's competitors will trounce it, it looks like it doesn't even belong on the same road. It's heavy, it's hp and torque numbers aren't that impressive, and it's a Nissan.. I mean pshh a Nissan!

That kind of reminds me of last week when I went out to eat with a couple buddies and on the way back to the house, one of them remembered he had access to his boss's 2010 Mercedes S63, and we could drive it if we wanted to. Hell yeah I wanted to. 518 hp and 465 lb-ft of torque are some pretty fine figures, and this

"OOH! Someone doesn't like something! I don't like that thing either!"

I must also complain. It's actually pretty amazing. It somehow knows where the most vital sentence in every post is, and blocks the hell out of it.

Upon hearing the news, the Mayer of Alexandria exclaimed: "BADGERS! BADGERS!? We don't need no stinking badgers!"

I know Top Gear loves to have a unique take on the cars they review, especially iconic ones like the Aventador, but I still can't get over their "disappointed" rating when they tested this rolling masterpiece.

When I kept reading stories about how Apple wouldn't allow clean installations with Lion leading up to it's release, I had no question in my mind it would only be a short time until they caved in.

Sort of NSFW. But just a little.

It's usually on G4

It's "Cops" if they only showed college kids getting arrested.

Whenever I hear Oxnard I think of the show "Campus PD"

Unless they could make it less than ~800.00, I just don't see the purpose. Considering almost 90% of students use a laptop, Apple should focus more on a cheaper, student oriented laptop. Then again, they still have the white MacBook for students, and the MacBook Air isn't that expensive for what you're getting.

"Lacking in the area of Mac support" Hmmmm... Universities are one of the most wildly popular spots for Macs. In 2010 it was reported that 70% of college freshman were entering school with a Mac, and just about half of all college students plan on a Mac as their next computer purchase. Windows has some good news in