
Ba dum tssshhh

I see a lukewarm market for electrics until lithium is replaced. It kind of gets the job done now, but it has so many drawbacks. I think James May from Top Gear nailed it when he pointed out that people won't ever change en masse until we find a replacement that replicates what gasoline driven automobiles offer today.

Exaxctly. It's this little inside joke that hardcore car geeks use to cricle jerk with each other. It's almost starting to sound like the bacon fad that hit the internet so hard. Everyone just goes along with it because it's just so funny!

This probably also belongs in the "hindsight" category, but I've always been a fan of the "push method". Use your thumb to apply medium pressure on your desired test-spot, after which it will turn white, and watch how quickly the color returns. If it returns almost instantly, you're burning/burned, if it takes a

Is that technically possible? Or would they need a particularly special sensor?

Considering you probably look like your avatar, you might want "take a stab" at a steak sometime soon ;)

Exactly. It's not that I've never been to Denny's, trust me, I've made plenty of innibrated trips to the 24/7 diner at various hours in the wee morning, I just know to stick to the pancakes, french toast, and a few others.

Thank you. The only pathetic or "hacky" thing here, is all the people who look into movies like they're life defining events. It's a damn movie. It's a 2-3 hour attempt at keeping us entertained. Period. Not everyone wants to walk out with their life changed and a different view on the world. To be honest, if you are

I was still able to stomach reading the comments that users left on Engadget posts when the Touchpad was first made official and HP gave journalists a "hands on" demo, and I saw the software problems coming all the way back then.

Umm.. that he wants a stream of regular income from a stable, successful, franchise?

So you buy a $700 phone and won't spend $70 on a high quality case?

Hahaha what?? It looks too much like other phones? Of all the legitimate shortfalls this render has, you somehow chose the one single aspect with absolutely no truth behind it.

I hope everyone knows that the only long-term outcome from this new onslaught of attacks on major corporations and government entities is a locked-down, highly controlled, intensely regulated internet for all of us.

You missed the point about the water. I agree with them that it's not just the water, but it does unquestionably change the bagel.

Hahahaha... Apple getting kickbacks from the manufacturers?? Apple could buy every single accessory manufacturer, burn their buildings to the ground, and use the ashes to stuff shark penis leather covered chairs.

I'd be very interested in reading your opinion after the iPhone 5 is officially announced.

Huh? Magic is 100% slight of hand, timing, and drawing the crowd's attention where you want it.

Oh dude! You failed the test! You're so GAY!!!

Just don't forget the dash in "man-cans"... The other site has plenty to do with men, not so much to do with candles.

I'm sure it's just the cynic inside me, but what the hell good is gyroscopic data going to do when someone's brains are literally spilling outside of their cracked skull? You won't just know they're dead, you'll know how fast their head hit the pavement? Yay!