
I guess it might be hard to understand why someone might care about the off spring of someone else... when you're 15...

I'm trying as hard as I can, but I just can't make myself excited about this..

I totally agree, but i do feel I need to point out one scenerio when recording the cops can be bad.

Umm.. I guess I'm missing something here, because I genuinely can't see the point in the whole second screen thing.

Taken a gander at total mobile OS numbers lately? Apple, with 44%, is still dominating over Android, with 28%, and if the momentum keeps heading in the same direction, RIM, with 19%, is just about to be added into the vague "Other" category pretty soon.

For sure. Do you remember back before iOS 4 was released and Apple accidentally/intentionally released a GM seed that anyone could install? I'm not a dev but from what I've gathered, you normally need dev credentials to install and run the pre-release iOS seeds that Apple releases. As soon as I read about it on some

I don't get it.. why does it matter that the child is only 9 inches tall

If there's one thing I can't stand about Android phones, it's the terrible touchscreen sensitivity. I've been using an iPhone on AT&T since 2007 and a Palm Treo 755p on Sprint since whenever that phone came out. I've taken advantage of my 2 lines by experimenting with other models on the Sprint side, and to this day

Has RIM stolen anything from Apple?

"I know most iPhone users won't care because they haven't experienced anything else..."

I was ready to download the HDR video app but after seeing so much negative feedback in here I'm kinda bummed on it now. The first thing I thought of after seeing a properly beautiful HDR photograph was that HDR videos would be even cooler. I immediately figured it would be impossible though. I'm the furthest thing

How do you cancel a comment?

Something along the lines of how many fewer computers Apple sells than the top 2 PC manufacturers (HP and Acer, respectively) that I found interesting lately is when you look at the numbers from the manufacturers point of view.

"Considerably cheaper"? I have a really hard time believing that. Apple has over 60 billion in cash sitting around, guaranteeing them the best pricing on all the components they need. Remember how everyone was going to absolutely crush Apple with their iPad competitors because Apple overcharges for all their stuff?

Without "mostly copying it"? I'm not sure about that..

I think I remember reading somewhere that using a pencil eraser will clean the rubber bottoms.

I'm really the only person here who watched Seinfeld?

I've always been happy with my custom plate: