
Good god man, pull your head out. How hard is it to just look at this whole thing logically?

Ba dum tssshhh!

You're a starred commenter? How cute.

That's not true at all. In 2011 we think there's only one way to make a phone, but that's only because Apple made such a compelling argument with the original iPhone. Now nearly every phone coming out looks almost identical.

Seems possible. I mean that's exactly what's happening when you have a "wet dream", it's an orgasm from thought alone.

Only 100" huh? That's cute!

That doesn't make any sense.. Why would that possibly not be standard equipment?? I could see them not being standard on all planes, but I can't imagine they aren't on this specific model. If they aren't going on the plane they tested, why would they possibly go through all the trouble to exactly replicate a real life

That comment is about 50x less witty than you're sure it is.

It's easy to think like that when you're testing something, I mean in this scenario specifically how could the content of the plane matter, wouldn't it just be about the weight?

Isn't this more a less just a test of the tires and brakes? I'd think if they wanted to test what happened to the plane as a whole, they would use optimal brakes and tires and focus on the changes to the plane's integrity and it's cargo after a stressful maneuverer like that.

Thanks a lot for that man, that was one of the most informative comments I've ever seen. Your video adds a thousand times more relevance to the original one because it shows why this test is so important. I'm way more impressed by the outcome from the Boeing test now. Obviously the brakes had a lot "riding on them"

I think everyone here wants to ask you the same thing - can't you find anything else to do?

Can you cite any proof to back up that statement?

A limited liability that is..

Another instance of the Gizmodo comment thread reminding me of middle school..

Good God man.. Understand what you're talking about before you try to make fun of it.

The English channel doesn't have jagged rocks waiting for you if you fall.

What a stupid comment. Go away.

It always kind of bugs me when I read a comment from some guy sitting in his moms basement, talking crap about things he could never even come close to accomplishing himself, but.. I have to be that guy for a second (except for the living in his moms basement part).

A series of rotating blades in place of a razor... hmmmm