
Umm just to be clear, I attached a YouTube clip but it doesn't seem to have worked. It was a clip from the original Happy Days episode where the Fonz jumped the shark on water skis.

Slightly off topic, but seeing as how it unquestionably played a part in the creation of this post, I feel like I have to point out that the South Park episode about this was terrible. I think it's pretty safe to say that show jumped the shark ever since, and including, the "Coon" episodes. There's been some funny


Ha.. since leaving my original comment I've watched most of their videos and now completetly love and respect Epic Mealtime.

Gravy cheese curds on mac and cheese? Brown sugar and cinnamon on mac and cheese?

Good god.. Just look at the shells that thing is spitting out..

Hahaha.. I love how it lights on fire at the end.. As if just to prove how hardcore the wall is.

I would totally stand behind the wall during a test if someone bet me..

I have to agree with you. Apple is sick of seeing iPhone sales drop off so sharply the months leading up to WWDC, so they've allowed this rumor to propagate. It's widely known that Apple releases totally false rumors for a multitude of reasons, to accomplish everything from ratting out company leaks, to misleading

I just upgraded my iMac with a 256 GB Crucial C300, and doubled the memory to 4 gigs. Hands down the best upgrade I've ever done to a computer. Everyone sitting here trying to decide whether it's worth it, just stop thinking about it and buy the damn drive. The iMac is now faster than a new one with a Core i7 and 8

Yeah that's what I was hoping you could do. In fact my plan was to buy 2 64 gig drives and RAID 0 them together. It's kind of a technical explanation, but the smaller the capacity, the slower the drive operates, specifically the write speeds. And we're not talking about a small decrease, we're talking about 4x slower

Anyone buying an SSD needs to read this article:

Just had to Google "iPhone 4 droidx camera"

The iPhone 4 was rated as a better camera than both of those phones. I bought an Evo, and before I returned it I was subjected to it's embarrassing video recording capabilities.

Ha.. the iPad 2 was a "silly upgrade"? What else could they have possibly changed? It's thinner, lighter, has an all new body, better battery life, significantly faster, and packed with all new features like cameras and gyroscopes. Are you bugged it doesn't have a higher resolution screen? They wouldn't be able to

These comments are so stupid.. Are you trying to threaten Apple into releasing it sooner?

I want totake this opportunity to go on record and say that all these people repeating the same rumor that Apple won't be announcing the iPhone at WWDC, ARE FULL OF CRAP. PERIOD.

Well that's it, you've convinced me. I've now completely changed my mind and bow down to your superior logic. Your comment for sure wasn't a waste of time.

Ok, I really hate to be "that guy"... but.. can someone please explain this to me? Is yellow a weird color in Missouri? Or is it the two tone flame job?

Mmmmm.. this is going to be fun.. I love talking tech with grossly uneducated (regarding the subject at hand) people.