
@DeltaDAWG: So let me get this straight. You're basically saying that because Verizon has inferior service than AT&T is some areas, as few and far between as they may be, people shouldn't be using blanket statements like "Verizon has a superior network" because that technically doesn't apply to everyone?

@DeltaDAWG: From your original comment:

@DeltaDAWG: So.. by that logic only ".00000001% " of AT&T users have ever been somewhere outside of their coverage area. I'd LOVE to make a bet against that. How did you even type that and think it made sense??

@DeltaDAWG: Verizon covers more of the US. Period. There's no counter argument to that.

@DeltaDAWG: No I'm sorry. The whole: "everything has it's ups and down, love everyone, all is equal" debate does NOT apply to AT&T and Verizon. Verizon uses CDMA. CDMA is an older technology, meaning that if a cell tower was built in the last 10 years it's most likely a CDMA tower. That's why especially in rural

Wow.. That video took itself WAY too seriously..

@snitch: Exactly. These manufacturers better prepare for: "PC Battle Royale: Round 2". Selling devices that run the exact same OS with only minor hardware differences between each other sets the stage for a battle to the bottom. Each company will show the others just how cheap they can make the next Android tablet and

I love how Apple is becoming the successful company that everyone loves to hate. The ONLY reason they're successful right now is because they saw what the status quo was, figured out a radically different way to go about it, then offered that solution to the people.

@coryd: ...says the alcoholic.

@ninjamurf: I never said there wasn't a difference.. My point is that you have to be an alcoholic to truly know appreciate, and enjoy the difference.

@Bant: Electric Burger: Can't you do ALL of that on iOS? If Apple really wanted to, they could keep people from loading custom builds on their devices, but they have better things to do.

Give me a break.. Everyone here talking about expensive whiskey is like sitting in a room hearing the king talk about his invisible robes and how exquisite they are...

I didn't even know this was SUCH a big problem, as I've never been the victim of phone spamming - via SMS or calling. I've been a part of Google Voice since the Grand Central days, but I've never been super religcous about giving that number out. I pretty much only use it when I'm filling out registration forms,

Totally agree. I thought it would be one of those designs that doesn't translate well in photos, then blows you away in person, but it sadly doesn't. I saw 3 in the same day (which is pretty weird because I live in a small southern Utah town) in black, silver, and a darkish silver, and they ALL looked absolutely

We have 3 iPhone 4's on our AT&T family plan and I thought the same thing, that the ETF's would be too much to make it worth it.

@wizzard419: If that's the future your son is gonna see, you must be cells waiting to turn into semen, inside a new born, that's going to impregnate a woman, turn into a fetus, be born, then impregnate a woman, to give you a son, because that's at LEAST 50 years away.. How the hell did you become self aware? Then

@science is sexy: Hahaha that's crazy. I was just about to edit my comment to say that I only say it in my head that way. If I'm actually speaking it out loud it sounds more natural to say P.N.G.

@MacJedi: I always pronounce PNG as "ping".