
I'm honestly just starting to feel really bad for Microsoft. They used to be the company everyone loved to hate, but as of late I'm finding myself rooting for them every time they happen to do something right (which is less and less often).

@No time! Never any time!: That's sad. All it takes for you to believe something is a comment from a stranger posted on the internet? And worse than that, you'll even deny irrefutable, direct evidence to the contrary? And Gizmodo (the blog that has such a terrible relationship with Apple, they're specifically banned

Wow.. This is really disheartening. I always had this idea that my fellow Gizmodo readers were at LEAST slightly more intelligent than the average guy on the street... Of course some of you have your own personal biases, and of course I know that Apple receives more vitriolic hate than ANY other computer manufacturer,

@alexmetal: Did you even bother checking how big a balloon is that can hold 11.76 cubic feet of air?

@Rich J: I see where she was TRYING to come from, she's on a bike so yeah technically she didn't break any road laws.

@boluke01: This mating ritual lead to the development of this:

@bombastinator: I think you might be missing the point here..

@octasquid: So that's your current setup? Would you mind providing more information? The first thing to pop in my head when I read this article is that it sounded great but I wish there was a way to do it with a legit OS X setup, none of that "hackintosh" crap.

So everyone on AT&T and Verizon has "shitty service"?

@fugeesnfunions: Because my description doesn't do it justice. It also comes in black and a super clean version with just the slot for the disc and the screen.

Here's a case from the same guys who built the one shown in the article. Freaking sick.

@kimdog: That's the problem though! you're leaving him, to fuck alone. One handed wrestling can only be fun for so long, he needs his GF back!

@jedifarfy: I wonder how the 911 operators are dealing with it.. One of the documentary's I watched played a bunch of calls where they told the people to stay in place and NOT attempt to escape on their own. I'm sure they were following protocol, and NOBODY had a clue that the buildings were going to collapse, so it's

@headc4se: ...because you can't just do that.. ANYWHERE? Ami missing something?

Now playing

Here's a video of those Mexican smugglers that tried catapulting weed across the border.

Have an update to that chemical scare on the base in Utah that led to a lock down. I guess it was some chemical that went missing, I'm not sure if they found it yet though, but I think they might have seeing as how the base isn't on lock down anymore.

@imaeffinginger: Well I personally just broke off a 2 year engagement so I think I'm gonna take a break for a little bit..

@jezzarisky: Hey we don't have nothin on Florida. Of the top 50 Oxycontin prescribing docs, all 50 reside in Florida, and 30 reside in a single county.