
@holy holes batman: You DO care about bacteria, because bacteriea equals smells, smart guy..

Come on Giz, macrumors.com broke this FOUR DAYS ago, aka a year in tech blog time, or something like 10 years in Apple rumor time.

@Justin: Come on man.. That's just a image from the latest build. It CLEARLY says that in the description.

@ddmeightball: "but I have never heard of any face chat using a secondary camera to show what you are looking at. Cool feature, but not sure how much I would use it."

@xTRICKYxx: I read these suggestions and sit here thanking God that Apple doesn't listen to the ideas from the common tech geek. Their products would be exactly like the offerings from just about every other company, AKA, terrible.

@iMattv4: I don't think I've EVER seen a wish list on any of these tech blogs written by a commenter that sounds even remotely attractive.

Good God that was boring.. I literally fell asleep just barely.. Thanks for making me tired, jerks.

@esp13: So you're saying if you downloaded the 10 billionth app and lost out on the opportunity simply because you missed/hung up a single call to a rep, and they wouldn't give it to you even when you got a hold of them and cleared things up, you wouldn't make a fuss about a TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR gift card?

It's not cool if it's TRYING to be a watch..

The second most amazing aspect of this video is how well the other car kept up. Does anyone know what it is?

Wow.. I can't believe how much I dislike this car..

@blash: That's one of the reasons I have a hard time with the idea that the ONLY reason Macs don't get viruses is because they're so obscure. Yeah they only take like 10% of the PC market, but that's still millions of computers. It's not that hard to determine some of the sites that Mac users visit and employ some of

@bdinger: I'm about to start installing Deep Freeze on a few people's PC's. I have kind of a deeply rooted hatred for ANY anti-virus "solution" because they sell a peace of mind they simply can't provide.

@eyjafjallajökull: master of chaos: To each his own. Like I said, an open system regulated only by the people is always how I like to do things. At the end of the day, it's not hard for me to imagine why someone would prefer an Android device as things sit right now. I disagree with the reasons, and think a lot is

@JesusDeSaad: I'm talking about the extreme sex offenders. The kind that kidnap a 7 year old, torture and rape them, then murder them. The really sick ones. I consider crimes against children so terrible because you're stealing the most precious thing every human being is born with: their innocence. An adult can



I think a really good solution to this is simply only having "friends" on Facebook that: A. you know, and B. aren't annoying. I have a 3 strike policy with people on my Facebook. Once I get 3: invitations to retarded events, notifications that they "answered a question" about me, posts on my wall that equate to chain

@KamWrex: I've actually met a few girls that commented after my comment and we started a conversation...

@Aduntu: And don't forget services that let you change the number that appears when you call her...