
Why are people defending Google here?? Isn't this pretty black and white? They stole proprietary code. Period. What's left to argue?

@thedoctorisin: That's crazy. When I tried this last night it felt incredibly awkward, but when I tried it how you suggested it felt MUCH better, even as much as making it really useful.

@Canoehead: This is what I suggested under the first post about this yesterday. I mean that's all you need your carrier to do, why mess with canceling anything? Especially if there's an ETF involved, or if you just plain don't have any major beef with your current carrier.

@WhiskeyTab: Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to try that.

@drstein: Yeah, I wouldn't doubt that for a second. They bitched and moaned from the beginning about not being able to charge more than $.99 per song, and the SECOND Apple announced pricing options from $.69-1.29, EVERY single new song listed was $1.29. The entire media industry, from music to movies, is the most

@The Pr1nce: I'm having a hard time understanding the premature excitement for Palms/HP's mystery tablet(s). It's big version of a phone that didn't just fail, it was the biggest flop from a major phone manufacturer EVER, which led to the demise of the whole freakin company. I'm sure it didn't help that the second

@krom: Ha, yeah. Might not a bad idea for some people.

@stereobot: Yeah, I'm not against just destroying the drugs either. That might be the easiest solution.

Well that was somewhat of a letdown.. I was hoping this was going to mean they were FINALLY integrating the ability to play your media from the cloud. With the 4-5 Mbps service I have on AT&T where I live this would eliminate the need for local storage most of the time.

Ok this is really confusing.. First of all, besides being able to have people keep on calling your existing number instead of the GV number you already have, it seems like it would add more potential complications with your current or future carriers.

i would NEVER make something like this public if it ever happened to me, unless it was made just as public that it was IMMEDIATELY turned over to the police, but probably not even then.

@Dogen: Glad we can come to am amicable agreement. Sarcasm is fun, people on the internet are stupid, and the world keeps turning.

@cycle-ops: Please, PLEASE tell me you didn't just defend "Bow Wow's" skill at rapping.. I've gone to the bathroom more times than he's sold an album, and we both end up producing the same thing.

@LuckyChuck, Archduke of Hoongary: It's like Apple on the Gizmodo side. It doesn't matter how many units they sell, what customer satisfaction surveys say, or how incredibly successful the company is, some people will find something to hate about ANYTHING they do.

@OMGItsWeasel: Yup, you figured it out. Make sure you don't tell Toyota's share holders.. cuz Lexus would be WAY embarrassed if they knew that they invested millions of dollars creating a carbon fiber steering wheel making machine. In this economy, where car companies are selling more than every before and money is

@timgray: Good lord.. Of course this trick is useless for cars made of anything but metal.. IT'S FOR DETECTING RUST! Can plastic/carbon fiber/etc cars rust?

I've made a fake profile on MySpace before to mess with people but the only thing I stole were pictures of a guy on Google images with no shirt and tight purple velvet shorts.


@Dogen: You're right, I am new here. Maybe one day though, after lots of hard work, blood, and sweat, I MIGHT be at your level. It's gonna take a lot of research into the inane details of Star Wars and lots of practice, but by god, it'll be worth it.