
@Dogen: Wait.. Are you being serious? Their investment in flash memory was widely known news. They were buying so much, it was hard for some manufacturers to buy all they needed. They have 60 BILLION in CASH.. Throwing around a billion or two to hedge their price on resources they're hugely dependent on is a pretty

@jayhawk11: And don't forget there's plenty of 3rd party "battery extenders" for Macs that are arguably easier to use than a 2nd or 3rd replacement battery. They generally last longer than a single battery, and they plug into the wall to charge so you don't have to constantly remove and reinstall your laptops main

@aquaclear: Wow. What a pretentious thing to say.

@LBCanCook: No you're obviously just being a rampant Mac fanboy!! Batteries are BY FAR the most important aspect of a laptop! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! Who cares about user experience, support, and superior quality and design!? Or the fact that the batteries in Apple's entire laptop line last 3-4x longer! NOBODY WITH A

@Totenglocke42: Because I said I don't like Android you call me a "zombie Macolyte"? Have you ever looked into the term: hypocrite?

@JimmyBanks: You called me the "biggest fanboy ever". And I was pointing out that I was only talking about a mobile OS, there's no reason to get so bothered.

@JimmyBanks: Wow.. I didn't call out your mom or something. If you can't have a discussion without getting your feelings hurt and resorting to name calling, I'm out. Later.

@TheNobleRobot: He's the kite string of the kite that is Apple. He offers a level of control that seems negative at first, holding the kite back and all, but if he were to ever let go and actually let the kite pull away, it would immediately drop to the ground.

@jepzilla: Haha.. exactly. If Apple starts copying any other company they'll become them. And that'll just suck.

@doggdiggity: That's the thing though.. He really is THE most accurate representation of a Willie Wonka in the business world. He's nuts, he really is. His control over secrecy is unparalleled, I'm sure even the CIA could learn a thing or two from Apple. His decision making is also unparalleled. He does things that

@JimmyBanks: From every single neutral review I've read of Android so far, they've pinpointed those same widgets as being THE reason for noticible system slowdowns and sub-par battery life. I have absolutely no doubt the hardware will catch up with that demand without sacrificing battery life within the next 2-3

@pettiblay: Really? So you'd want to ALWAYS have to use a stylus? And if you have your MBP already, why wouldn't you just be typing in it anyways? If I had to choose between typing and writing with a stylus, I'd unquestionably choose typing every time. But maybe that's just me. From what it sounds like, you need a

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@alexander_the_car_salamander: i would LOVE to see him do that in the states. The cops in Britain are known for showing restraint, especially against the adrenaline filled version we have in the USA. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the fact they would have to club a baby seal on tape to get in any trouble, and it

I guess I don't mind the option to record in 1080p... But I'd hope that they don't just fall back on a buzzword so they can cheap out on the lens, image sensor, and other more important aspects that create a truly superior image.

@GrandmaSideways: When I was in high school, I dated a girl that had her Honda Civic stolen in Vegas while she left it alone for literally 5 minutes. A few weeks later she got a surprising call from the cops saying they found her car abandoned in a parking lot. When they got it towed back to Utah and started going

@Autojunkie: I want to laugh.. but I'm too ashamed.

@Vinchenz got fired on his day off??!?!: It's a quarter after 6 in the morning and I haven't gone to bed yet so I'm not going to waste my time personally checking, but I have a hard time believing that kind of information would be more than a Google or two away.

@Maxx Cracker — sponsored by Peniston Oils: That's exactly what I thought when I first read that thieves had stolen it in the first place. I was genuinely embarrassed for the entire country. What a top rate impression to leave on the Germans, especially after the redneck hicks in the south chased off Clarkson and the

@Norbs: "LOL nice spoof if it is one."

@River: Did you hear that whooshing sound just barely? The sound of the joke flying right over your head?