Congrats on a new low in misleading headlines followed by cheap reporting.
Congrats on a new low in misleading headlines followed by cheap reporting.
I don’t read those sites. It’s the equivalent of ad copy. Similarly, I avoid these articles from Jalopnik because they are only written because Musk is anti-union.
Nah, man. This place is obsessed with the dude. Instead of another stalker-azzi about him these writers would be better served -as would we- focusing on articles about the cars and doing a better job on those. Too much copy-paste, slap-dash fast food copy for easy clicks.
Every CEO of every car brand lives somewhere - probably very expensive.
Apologies, but of the 300 daily Tesla/Musk articles Jalopnik shits out, I am having trouble finding the one about the Model Y getting top safety honors from IIHS. Can someone point me to that article? Thanks
Judges first and foremost obligation is Justice and upholding the premier law of the land — the Constitution— requiring the Judge to refuse to carry out cruel and unusual punishment.
Funny they are using a “kite” to move around airplane parts instead of a vertical wing.
Now, THIS is real military recruitment. Sign me up.
Hybrid supercars are over. It's 5 years of special edition NA or turbos followed by all electric models
Im guessing that truck bed is used exclusively to transport coal, yes?
I think I saw this exact scene in Inglorious Basterds.
I’ve seen Ozark. I know what this is about.
Sounds like Nascar is pissed about the whole thing. Asked for a quote on what occurred, the ghost of Dick Trickle had this to say, “Urista? More like, ‘’ur in trouble’.”
Looks like Hamilton may be F1cked!