A hit is hard to resist and I never miss

That’s my stance as well. The grey is coming and I’m here for it, because it’s a process that happens for everyone yet only women have to waste time and money to “cover it up”. Fuck that noise.

Am also growing out my gray in my mid-30s and am posting to give you an internet high-five. I think we are a growing coalition :)  One of things I’ve found most fascinating about it is how it seems to bother my mostly male co-workers.

I am letting my hair gray naturally (I only know one other woman who is). If I didn’t have a conservative job, I would dye it the bright candy colors that are popular right now. After I retire, I might.

I like to think that she gave a fuck, just about more interesting kinds of things than other people. She gave a fuck about her dog and about correcting assholes and about wearing what she felt like wearing.

&*squeezes you*

If the neighbors care so much, they should fucking move. Jesus Christ. And they are probably the same people that bitch about regulations being overbearing and encroaching on their “freedom”. I hope he counter sues and during the whole trial he is wears a Hawaiian shirt, drinking mimosas, then after a long day in the

“Why don’t these miserable fuckers just move somewhere where they’d be happier, like maybe deep inside the rectum of the giant, seething beast that is their own feckless rage and intolerance?”

because you reside in a state which makes it’s own laws on how ID’s are issued in their state not the Motherland that dictates from on high.

I really, really, REALLY don’t want to be that guy, but why would you turn onto railroad tracks? Were there extenuating circumstances? Was it dark/foggy/raining? Otherwise, I’m not certain why you wouldn’t reference the reality outside your car windows vis-a-vis what your navigation app is telling you. I hope I’m

Perfectly Uniform Fight For Automobile’s Luxurious Ultimate Monster Prize

This is Ace corporate. As has been stated elsewhere, the individual stores do not have to comply. And local ones are evidently still selling supplies. So don’t punish your locally owned Ace for a nonenforceable corporate decision.

“Bush doesn’t care about black people.” -Kanye West, 2005.

“I want to destroy you for your own good. Why can’t you see that, you ungrateful little shit that I effectively disowned.”

Let’s stop using “alt-right” and call them what they are...

On behalf of all straight, white men that did not vote Trump, I’m sorry and will do whatever I can to help right the ship for everyone.

I am proud to have voted for Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton. And my bright spot in this is the fact that my little girl has spent the last weeks saying she wanted to be “the first girl president.” And I didn’t know what to say to her. But now I do. #Sophie2052

It blows my mind that Montana was progressive, and quite so, once upon a time.

Now that HBO has finally gotten with the program and offers a standalone option, sports are the only thing I miss out on by not having cable. Bars are my friend.

I do admit that I love Roger Zelazny's writing. He is my all time favorite author. But I don't think his work had the depth of Dune.