A hit is hard to resist and I never miss

I just wanted to drop in and say that JoJo’s response-track, Marvin’s Room (Can’t Do Better) is fire and everyone should listen to it.

Considering she couched her “protest” as “personal reasons” and not “I couldn’t be seen in rainbows because Jesus won’t love me if I touch the gay,” I don’t really feel like I have to respect her.

I dunno, if the reference to THE AMERICAN WAY didn’t sell it, I’m not sure what would. Have a bonus star!

You know what would be cool? If, when you have a diseased uterus that causes pain and suffering, but have no kids, if doctors would TAKE THE FUCKING THING OUT WHEN ASKED TO DO SO BY THE DISEASED UTERUS’S OWNER.

Similar story here. I didn’t want to get out of the car, so my mom picked me up and set me on the ground. She took my hand to lead me into the house, and I stubbornly sat my ass down on the driveway.

Any interior that shows dirt the moment you breathe on it is the worst interior. I like a nice, neutral-dark color with some shading to it, with maybe an accent color.

What if they’ve also been paying into the insurance pool? Aren’t they then given the same rights as anyone else to take money back out of the pool they paid into when they’re in need?

lol yep, small children who are traumatized by war just need to get out and get jobs.

Accurate. Lobov is a middling boxer at best with arms that would make a t-rex feel adequate. No one in MMA currently who didn’t spend their entire childhood already boxing is lying to themselves if they think they can compete with professional boxers.

I have a feeling this was an attempt at a staged blow-up to build heat for an already fucked up main card, and shit got out of hand.

Also, stretch your hands/wrists, don’t sit in one position for too long without moving, and hydrate.

Two words: Kettle. House.

That’s funny, because right before I realized Boondock was a bad movie, I bought a double feature Bluray of it and Fight Club!

Oh, Missoula. At least it’s not the Staggering Ox, where they won’t spit in your food, but they will be too stoned to get your order right the first, second, or third time. It’s basically a crapshoot whether you’ll get the sandwich and sauce you actually ordered most days.

I...kinda dig the design language? The black plastics look like shit, tho.

But what about the Cimarron?

Is there a certified version of this article I can send to my dad so he won’t run his goddamn studless snows in the summer?

Got pulled over once in a tiny town in rural Oregon around 2am. I was working nights at the time, and frequently spent my nights off exploring the countryside until the wee hours of the morning. My car is registered back home at my parents’ address because I got permanent tags in Montana and didn’t want to give them

We’re calling movie advertising props statues now?

Now I can’t wear my Cascadia scarf anymore? You sick fucking racist shitbags. THANKS. AGAIN. FOR RUINING. EVERYTHING.