
You've never given road head?! That's such an obvious lie, I mean the fact you are writing this article for this website proves the exact opposite.

First you bashed the car for attention and now you're sucking its dick for attention. You really are a walking shit-fest of contradictions, like a Maoist Nazi.

Raphael, it's time to finally cut your fucking crap. Everyday I see some bullshit article of yours where you try to "expose" car makers, however just end up looking like a fucking fool. Do I have to remind you of that utterly retarded Mclaren P1 fake back window rant of yours, where Frank Stephenson himself called you

The only thing saggy are your momma's tits.

I'm slightly disappointed that Raphael Orlove wasn't run over by the trailer.

Raphael basically is an intern. I'm sorry if I've offended anybody who happens to be an intern, by throwing this human piece of trash in the same category as you guys.

C'mon don't be a pussy, Raph! Worst case scenario: you crash horribly, which would also be the best case scenario.

May shit rain upon you, Raphael!

Why don't you do the same thing as the cars, and just spontaneously combust? You stinking pile of shit, Raphael.

The car would look much better with you underneath its tires!

If anything is killing their credibility, it's the stinking cunt Raphael Orlove!!! Fire him Jalopnik!!!!