
Why is Ralph Lauren on 10? He has a Mclaren F1 LM (1 of 5) and a Ferrari 250 Testarossa. He should be way higher than 10!

Raphael, wasn't your mom a famous biker-whore?

Is there anything more pathetic than Raphael Orlove fanboys? Anybody who isn't a hipster bitch sees this prick for what he is: a worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve to be called a journalist. As to you Milky, have fun extracting the milky substance from Raphael's sad excuse for a penis, you internet


btw I noticed my comments weren't deleted, this retarded commenting system just makes it hard to find them. It's still a stroke of genius compared to the brain-dead, shit-eating Raphael Orlove though...

I don't give a shit WHY I get moderated, I like Jalopnik, i just hate this putrid motherfucker.

You're a fucking pussy Raphael, can't even take a bit of criticism without deleting comments. Fuck your mother man.

I dislike mondays, but you know what I hate? That's right, Raphael fucking Orlove. Don't get me wrong I like the website, but I wish this rat-faced motherfucker would just spew his bullshit somewhere else. He's a horrible journalist (yea, I actually called him a journalist) who's shittiness is tarnishing this website.

Why did you edit yourself out of the picture, Raphael? Everybody knows the original image shows you kneeling in front of him and sucking his dick.

I wish the car would have landed on your tiny nutsack, you useless cocksucker.

Hey fuckface, stop deleting my comments on every post you ugly son of a whore!!!!

Why don't you just shut the fuck up already? Everybody who's driven the P1 will disagree strongly with whatever bullshit your spewing here, why don't you just head over to a little channel called /Drive and watch the Chris Harris video? Oh wait, you've been featured on that channel before, haven't you Raph? Ah I see,

Why don't you do us all a favor, by sitting in an old Countach with the window down, in a small closed garage, while the motor is still running, and just "go to sleep"? You worthless piece of shit.

You know what's funny? Unlike the P1, EVERY single thing imaginable is wrong with you, Raphael. And yes, I know the saying "Nobody's prefect", however that saying is just as true as "Nobody I've ever met is such a flawed piece of shit as Raphael Orlove".


You know what you should do Raphael? You should go FUCK YOUR SELF!!! I HATE YOU, YOU DICK-LESS BITCH!!!

What else should he do? The man can't write for shit, so this is the only way he can contribute to the website! Isn't Raphael Orlove a pathetic waste of space?

Why don't you do something useful with your time and film yourself jumping INFRONT of a train you pathetic motherfucker?

Sadly you haven't lost the ability to write after the crash (not that you ever REALLY had that ability you disgusting anal-birth).