Nice! The one I found best for me was Skinfood's read bean bb cream, about 20$. It's SPF 20 but the tint is just right :)! I've never seen Tarte products around, I'll keep an eye out!
Nice! The one I found best for me was Skinfood's read bean bb cream, about 20$. It's SPF 20 but the tint is just right :)! I've never seen Tarte products around, I'll keep an eye out!
I use a lot of the korean brand BB foundations because apparently they were the first ones to make use of it, they feel less bullshitty than a lot of the western brands, they're usually at least spf25, and the packaging is usually quite nice. I was using the korean foundations before BB got huge here too because I'm…
Saying that woman who likes to go out and have sex (which is what I assume she means when she says "be naughty") in any way deserve to be raped is as stupid as saying that anyone who likes to go shopping and spend a lot of money deserves to be robbed.
I think I can remember when Lush started re-introducing parabens into some of their products. I figure if its good enough for Lush, it's good enough for me.
Can you talk about sodium lauryl sulfate? As far as I understand, it's basically the stuff that makes your toothpaste and shampoo be sudsy, but some people seem to think it's dangerous.
Yay, this sounds like it will be a voice of reason in the beauty product ingredient woo hullabaloo. I really hate all the 'don't use products with y ingredient!!!11!' hysteria and when you ask why not you get 'derp derp, it kills unicorns, derp' type of reasoning. uh, yeah.
Ooh, can you do sulfates next? And I have heard some claims against disodium EDTA.
That obituary was a disgrace, and got the thrashing it deserved on Twitter and in other media (The Australian is a Murdoch paper) yesterday. My fav response with this article imagining the obits of male writers if they were subjected to the same treatment as women.
I know this article is about the software stuff, but I just want to say it's not only big-name designers that stores like Forever 21 copy. I have a good friend who has a super small online store where he sells things that he's designed and then personally screen printed/made, and he's had both XXI and Urban Outfitters…
Good thing we're sanitizing the language.
"Well, as long as you like it, that's the main thing".
Probably. Absolutely do not care at all, though.
I just realized my daughter is going to misspell stuff all the time as she learns... am I going to be a spelling/grammar nazi with her? No, it's "there", not "their"... Yes, "Mommy drinks." is technically a full sentence... No, no, the apostrophe doesn't go there!
He serves no purpose in our society. Kill him without anger for the good of all others. It's possible.
All it will take is for the guards to "take a lunch break" and leave this monster at the mercy of the other inmates. That will be swift and thorough punishment indeed.
i just can't fathom this. It is just too horrible.
As an intelligent gay man, I knew this ages ago. Honestly even if you couldn't spoof, just being in different locations in a day can give you this info, and you can almost triangulate this stuff in your head...or at least I can. Really any app that gives you a location will allow this; its basic math.
Something tells me that your average Grindr user doesn't give a shit about this.
Only if those people are required by law to report them - teachers, doctors, etc.