
“some of the most inspirational women on the radar today

Few articles ago, a lady with my height/weight (5’1”, 135 pounds) called herself fat, and no one could figure out why she thought that about herself. These guys *right here* is why she thinks (and I think) that height/weight is fat.

God I fucking hate when men say this. It seems to be a trope of sorts. The reformed man about town has a daughter and suddenly realizes GASP women are human beings.

And hark at him referring to a sexual partner as ‘damaged goods’ whereas he is nobly struggling with insecurities.

Things our mothers and sisters had to hear.

Yeah, the whole “wife is a shrew” trope is sooooo damaging to both girls and boys. Like, boys who grow up thinking that women are terrible will do terrible things to women.

Yeah, the “I really should be pitied rather than scorned” vibe. No thanks.

honestly, I think that's why my ex was such an ass. his dad made it seem like his mother was the devil herself so he hated all women, and treated me like trash because of it *deep breath* and then he felt so much better because he felt like he was just getting back at the gender that 'ruined' his life.

Most of my life I’ve struggled with insecurities around dating.

I like how late 30s is considered downright geriatric to these tools.

You know what? Just ONCE I would like to be surprised by something like this. I would like to live in a world where horrible misogynist behavoir would be actually shocking instead of grimly expected and depressing. Fuck all of this.

Ohhhhh. There’s a dog off screen....

I love that the dog sounds like it weighs all of 7 lbs and it is barking at these bears.

If you’ve got time to quote statistics that you claim are the only well known and respected ones, you’ve got time to source them. If it’s just something you vaguely remember reading this one time, caveat with “I remember reading this one time but I can’t really remember where” instead of “the only serious statistics

You’re missing the point. This is not about your husband.

People are jumping on these movers because they’re helping abused women GTFO. The reality is that if your husband had decided to move his shit out one day, he might have found it emotionally devastating, but he wouldn’t have had to fear being killed as he was

Please source your statistical claims. Really, id love to see where you got those numbers.

Not trying to start an argument here, just genuinely interested: could you link these “serious studies” you speak of? I’m about to do a google scholar/pubmed search but if you could point me in the right direction that would be helpful.

If a young woman ignores you, she’s not that interested in the first place. Don’t play games. Just be a good person, be yourself, don’t be a douchebag, and be honest if you want to go out with somebody. Ask them out directly. Tell them afterward if you had a great time and want to see them again. If they disappear,

Ha! I’m a college professor and I try hard to refer to my students as “men” and “women,” mostly to combat the awful fact that boys generally are called men in their late teens/early twenties, and girls aren’t called women until MUCH later (usually post childbearing). In either case: don’t grow up too soon! Have fun!

As a woman I do have to ask who the hell tells someone they like them and then says they don’t need to respond?! Girl, Maya (Mara?) that’s nuts.