
Good suggestions. Triangle Strategy is worth a look as well.

Now if only WB could actually understand...

Why can’t we have multiplayer games... that aren’t live service games. They existed before. But now everything has to be monetizable forever. It’s just annoying.

Full on live service game, no thank you. I’m glad they realized no one wants that. But a multiplayer free roam mode with a buddy or two, yes please :D 

I’ve seen them but, I dunno, they’re breasts. Celebs have genitals and breasts like the rest of us, big whoop, idk. Maybe I’m just old, but damn how many celebs have had their stuff leaked or stolen, and people still freak out about celebs being actual living beings?

I was gonna say. I haven’t watched the show but isn’t showing her tits part of her whole deal?

Lol... all I can think is like, why? Why do you need to find leaked nudes? It’s not like they’re a secret.... Just go watch Euphoria. Lol

Well then take a gander at her left winger if the right one bothers you so much. I mean it's a little strange because usually they're a pair but whatever floats your boat.

I would say yes, but no. They were indeed pushing their woke and forced diversity over modern games. Race-swapping originally white characters to black and so on. If so, why you guys never made a post about these same Employee’s trying to shut down a brazillian man’s Steam account just because he made a tool that

Now playing

hating on a dead man who made one of the most important/influential works of action/superhero storytelling in the last half century

Yea...fuck Kotaku.

What is the point of defending SweetBabyInc like this?

Speaking of transparency, the writer of this article is an open racist. I, for one, have no intention of listening to the words of a bigot.

Are you coming here after hearing that there was a sexual assault at the game company?

Gamergate 2 is here. I hope yall are happy at the state of media and the path of subverting Japan now as well. Surely you can recognize that you are insane cry bullies right? That you won, that media is now made for you, and it is now absolute garbage? This is your world enjoy

Shut up. Woke people love to cancel others, now taste your own medicine

This makes me want to buy Hogwarts legacy again. So glad it was in top 3 most profitable games last year. Same for palworld this year. And well, i like being racist to white people, who are you to say i can’t do what i love!

Show don’t tell.

They confirm what they do on their own website. How are you woke fucks still in business ?

Guess you are looking forward to going down with the ship Kotaku.