
...it statements like this that really makes me wonder how these business people got to where they are. A non-live service game like Hogwarts Legacy outsells every game last year, and then a game burdened with live-service content like Suicide Squad tanks, and they seem to think Suicide Squad is the same sort of game

For a game news website, why hasn’t Kotaku covered the shit show that is “Sweet Baby Inc”?  Along with GDC and all the other travesties these groups do to screw up the gaming industry?

Isn’t Hogwarts Legacy a WB game? And it was the best selling game of 2023. To these execs have the memory of a damn mouse?

Just add a musical number that recaps the first game.  It worked for Alan Wake 2

But they can. There is nothing stopping them

Right, they even bundled Remake with pre-orders of Rebirth. They just don’t want to potentially dissuade anybody from making the purchase that will be more consequential to their current data points and not everybody is going to want to potentially invest that much extra time and/or money into playing the latest game.

Just do the same thing they did with SMRPG - improve the graphics, add gameplay/QoL improvements, re-record the music with a full orchestra, and maybe add a few little bonuses. I wouldn’t object to a full FF7R-style remake, as long as it’s one game and not artificially elongated over 6 years.

Just give it to us as a HD-2D title and don’t fuck up the font this time. If they want to go beyond that, should go all-in on the pixel art IMO. The writing lets it down, but look at Sea of Stars’ visual presentation for inspiration, that game is absolutely gorgeous, that’s more the direction I would want a Chrono

HD2.5 remaster. Don’t change a darn thing. Just make it look great and run on modern stuff. I Paid $90 for it when it came out for SNES and would again...the GOAT.

The Xbox requires more discs as Microsoft doesn't allow the highest capacity Ultra HD discs to be used for games whereas Sony does. Iirc the highest capacity disc supported by Series X for games is 66gb.

Remake/Rebirth are far too convoluted in terms of gameplay and story for newcomers unless they’re very experienced in similar series (which seems unlikely that they’d play games in the FF zone but not FF itself).

You know what would be better then a show that feels like the game.   Spending all that money on ANOTHER FUCKING GAME instead!


Nah, too much of 7r assumes you played the original.

Best entry point is probably 6 (or 10, depending on how important graphics are to you.) 6 isn’t my favorite FF, but it’s a super solid overall complete package that still holds up well even by today’s standards, making it a good starting point for someone who’s not already a fan of the series.

Maybe I am old but this doesn’t feel like news at all.  Big game comes on multiple disks isn’t a new thing. I remember when a game would come on a box full of 5 1/4 inch floppy disks

FFIV, it’s the game that set the standard of storytelling through the trauma of loss that is a theme of the series; it’s the game where Final Fantasy found its voice. I’m partial to the GBA version for its much improved localization over the SNES version while keeping the graphics intact as well as the soundtrack (for

As a tree, it’s important to grow 

Even if Cid resents Shera for her part in destroying his dream, that can be communicated in a far healthier way.

Let me be clear: I have never played a Final Fantasy game.”